Measure Theory/Absolute Continuity

Absolute Continuity


In light of the previous lesson, the following definition makes sense. Moreover, we hope that the Devil's staircase would not have this property (as that might explain why it fails the equality that we are hoping to ensure,  ).

Definition: absolute continuity

Let   be any function. We say that f is absolutely continuous on [a,b] if it satisfies the following property.

  such that for all collections of disjoint intervals with combined length less than  ,


we then have that the net change in f on these intervals is less than  .


Exercise 1. Lipschitz to AC to UC

Show that every Lipschitz continuous function is absolutely continuous, and that every absolutely continuous function is uniformly continuous.

AC to BV


If we are to hope that absolute continuity implies the desired equality   then of course we must be ensured that f' exists, or at least exists a.e.

Given our earlier studies, it might be especially elegant if we can simply show that absolute continuity implies bounded variance. Since we've shown that functions of bounded variance are differentiable a.e., then the differentiability of f a.e. follows immediately.

Exercise 2. AC Implies BV

Let   be any absolutely continuous function on a compact interval. To prove that it has bounded variation, we will pick a   and somehow use its corresponding   due to absolute continuity. (I mean, how else would you use the absolute continuity property, right?)

It will turn out not to matter which   we choose, so for convenience, set   and let   be the response.

1. Consider any partition P.  Let Q be the partition 

    where N is the largest integer such that  
Define the refinement of P by 

Show that if A is any partition and B is any refinement,  , then 

Infer that in our particular situation,  .
2. Let   and split this partition into several smaller partitions, with end-points at  .  

Write   as a sum defined in terms of the points in P', and then split the sum into the smaller partitions described above.  

Argue that each component sum is less than 1.  

(If you find that, in fact, there is a bit of a logical problem at this point -- like maybe you wish that the smaller partitions had width strictly less than  , rather than having width exactly  , then go back and adjust the definition of Q to make things work out better.)
3. Use the above to show that  .
4. Conclude the desired result.  



Finally we have what is necessary to state and prove the following conjecture: If a function,   is absolutely continuous then  .

Note that, due to theorems proved for functions of bounded variation, we already know that   exists and is bounded above by  .

Therefore if we define this area function,


it is well-defined. We already know, from the derivative of integrals, that then


almost everywhere.

We would like to infer that G and f are equal a.e. up to adding a constant term. But how?

We can simplify matters by not having two derivatives, but only one. The equation above is equivalent to  .

If we could then prove a zero derivative implies a constant function, we could quickly prove the desired result.

Exercise 2. Zero Derivative

Let   be an absolutely continuous function with   a.e. Prove that therefore f is constant.

Below I'll give guiding steps to show that  .

  • First let E be the set of points where  , and let  . (At the end of the proof we will show that   is small in terms of  .)
  • To each   associate with it a corresponding   such that for all   we have  . Then argue that   is a Vitali cover of E.
  • Let   be the value corresponding to   in the definition of absolute continuity.
  • Use the Vitali Covering Lemma to find disjoint   such that
  • Prove that the gaps between these intervals sum to less than   and then apply absolute continuity to these.
  • Adding together the deviations in f on  , and on the gaps, show that

Exercise 3. AC to FTC

Let  . Show that if f is absolutely continuous then  .

Exercise 4. AC iff Anti-derivative

Let  . Show that f is absolutely continuous if and only if there is a function   such that


Hint: the "only if" part is essentially just the result of Exercise 3 where the end of the interval is now used as a variable to define a function.

For the "if" part, you essentially just need the additivity of integration, and a result from earlier which showed that one can make integral small by making its domain small.