Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2023-2024)/Part I/Lecture 14
- Differentiability

In this section, we consider functions
where is a subset of the real numbers. We want to explain what it means that such a function is differentiable in a point . The intuitive idea is to look at another point , and to consider the secant, given by the two points and , and then to let " move towards “. If this limiting process makes sense, the secants tend to become a tangent. However, this process only has a precise basis, if we use the concept of the limit of a function as defined earlier.
Let be a subset, a point, and
a function. For , , the number
is called the difference quotient of for
and .The difference quotient is the slope of the secant at the graph, running through the two points and . For , this quotient is not defined. However, a useful limit might exist for . This limit represents, in the case of existence, the slope of the tangent for in the point .
The derivative in a point is, if it exists, an element in . Quite often one takes the difference as the parameter for this limiting process, that is, one considers
The condition translates then to , . If the Function describes a one-dimensional movement, meaning a time-dependent process on the real line, then the difference quotient is the average velocity between the (time) points and and is the instantaneous velocity in .
Let , and let
be an affine-linear function. To determine the derivative in a point , we consider the difference quotient
This is constant and equals , so that the limit of the difference quotient as tends to exists and equals as well. Hence, the derivative exists in every point and is just . The slope of the affine-linear function is also its derivative.
We consider the function
The difference quotient for and is
The limit of this, as tends to , is . The derivative of in is therefore .
- Linear approximation
We discuss a property which is equivalent with differentiability, the existence of a linear approximation. This formulation is important in many respects: It allows giving quite simple proofs of the rules for differentiable functions, one can use it to reduce differentiability to the continuity of an error function, it yields a model for approximation with polynomials of higher degree (quadratic approximation, Taylor expansion), and it allows a direct generalization to the higher-dimensional situation(in the second term)
Let be a subset, a point, and
a function. Then is differentiable in if and only if there exists some and a function
such that is continuous in , , and such that
If is differentiable, then we set
Then the only possibility to fulfill the conditions for is
Because of differentiability, the limit
exists, and its value is . This means that is continuous in .
exist with the described properties, then for
the relation
holds. Since is continuous in , the limit on the left-hand side, for , exists.
The affine-linear function
is called the affine-linear approximation. The constant function given by the value can be considered as the constant approximation.
This follows immediately from Theorem 14.5 .
- Rules for differentiable functions

Let be a subset, a point, and
functions which are differentiable
in . Then the following rules for differentiability holds.- The sum is differentiable in , with
- The product is differentiable in , with
- For
also is differentiable in , with
- If has no zero in , then is differentiable in , with
- If has no zero in , then is differentiable in , with
(1). We write and respectively with the objects which were formulated in Theorem 14.5 , that is
Summing up yields
Here, the sum is again continuous in , with value .
(2). We start again with
and multiply both equations. This yields
Due to
Lemma 10.11
the expression consisting of the last six summands is a continuous function, with value for
(3) follows from (2), since a constant function is differentiable with derivative .
(4). We have
Since is continuous in , due to
Corollary 14.6
the left-hand factor converges for to , and because of the differentiability of in , the right-hand factor converges to .
(5) follows from (2) and (4).
These rules are called sum rule, product rule, quotient rule. The following statement is called chain rule.
Let denote subsets, and let
be functions with . Suppose that is differentiable in and that is differentiable in . Then also the composition
is differentiable in , and its derivative is
Due to Theorem 14.5 , one can write
The remainder function
is continuous in with value .

Let denote intervals, and let
be a bijective continuous function, with the inverse function
differentiable in with . Then also the inverse function is differentiable in , and
We consider the difference quotient
and have to show that the limit for exists, and obtains the value claimed. For this, let denote a sequence in , converging to . Because of Theorem 11.7 , the function is continuous. Therefore, also the sequence with the members converges to . Because of bijectivity, for all . Thus
where the right-hand side exists, due to the condition, and the second equation follows from Lemma 8.1 (5).
The function
is the inverse function of the function , given by (restricted to ). The derivative of in a point is . Due to Theorem 14.9 , for , the relation
holds. In the zero point, however, is not differentiable.
The function
is the inverse function of the function , given by . The derivative of in is , which is different from for . Due to Theorem 14.9 , we have for the relation
In the zero point, however, is not differentiable.
- The derivative function
So far, we have considered differentiability of a function in just one point, now we consider the derivative in general.
Let denote an interval, and let
be a function. We say that is differentiable, if for every point , the derivative of in exists. In this case, the mapping
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