Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet x

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Let   be a field and let   and   be  -vector spaces. Let


be a linear map. Prove that the graph of the map is a subspace of the Cartesian product  .

Let   be a field and let   be a  -vector space. Prove that for   the map


is linear.

How does the graph of a linear map


look like? How can you see in a sketch of the graph the kernel of the map?

Let   be a field and let   and   be  -vector spaces. Let   be a system of generators for   and let   be a family of vectors in  .

a) Prove that there is at most one linear map


such that   for all  .

b) Give an example of such a situation, where there is no linear mapping with   for all  .

Let   be a field and let   be a  -matrix and   a  -matrix over  . Prove the following relationships concerning the rank


Prove that equality on the left occurs if   is invertible, and equality on the right occurs if   is invertible. Give an example of non-invertible matrices   and   such that equality on the left and on the right occurs.

Prove that the series


converges with sum equal to  .

Examine for each of the following subsets   the concepts upper bound, lower bound, supremum, infimum, maximum and minimum.

  1.  ,
  2.  ,
  3.  ,
  4.  ,
  5.  ,
  6.  ,
  7.  ,
  8.  ,
  9.  .

Explain why the factorial function is continuous.