Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 20


Prove that the function


is differentiable but not twice differentiable.

Consider the function


defined by


Examine   in terms of continuity, differentiability and extremes.

Determine local and global extrema of the function


Determine local and global extrema of the function


Consider the function


Find the point   such that the tangent of the function at   is parallel to the secant between   and  .

Prove that a real polynomial function


of degree   has at most   extrema, and moreover the real numbers can be divided into at most   sections, where   is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.

Determine the limit


by polynomial long division.

Determine the limit of the rational function


at the point  .

Next to a rectilinear river we want to fence a rectangular area of  , one side of the area is the river itself. For the other three sides, we need a fence. Which is the minimal length of the fence we need?

Discuss the following properties of the rational function


domain, zeros, growth behavior, (local) extrema. Sketch the graph of the function.



a) Prove that the function   has in the real interval   exactly one zero.

b) Compute the first decimal digit in the decimal system of this zero point.

c) Find a rational number   such that  .

Determine the limit of


at the point  , and specifically

a) by polynomial division.

b) by the rule of l'Hospital.

Let   be a polynomial,   and  . Prove that   is a multiple of   if and only if   is a zero of all the derivatives  .


Exercise (5 marks)

From a sheet of paper with side lengths of   cm and   cm we want to realize a box (without cover) with the greatest possible volume. We do it in this way. We remove from each corner a square of the same size, then we lift up the sides and we glue them. Which box height do we need to realize the maximum volume?

Exercise (4 marks)

Discuss the following properties of the rational function


domain, zeros, growth behavior, (local) extrema. Sketch the graph of the function.

Exercise (5 marks)

Prove that a non-constant rational function of the shape


(with  ,  ,) has no local extrema.

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the limit of the rational function


at the point  .

Exercise (5 marks)

Let   and


be a rational function. Prove that   is a polynomial if and only if there is a higher derivative such that  .