Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 15


Show that a linear function


is continuous.

Prove that the function


is continuous.

Prove that the function


is continuous.

Let   be a subset and let


be a continuous function. Let   be a point such that  . Prove that   for all   in a non-empty open interval  .

Let   be real numbers and let




be continuous functions such that  . Prove that the function


such that


is also continuous.

Compute the limit of the sequence


for  .



be a continuous function which takes only finitely many values. Prove that   is constant.

Give an example of a continuous function


which takes exactly two values​​.

Prove that the function


defined by


is only at the zero point   continuous.

Let   be a subset and let   be a point. Let   be a function and  . Prove that the following statements are equivalent.

  1. We have
  2. For all   there exists a   such that for all   with   the inequality   holds.


Exercise (2 marks)

We consider the function


Determine the points   where   is continuous.

Exercise (3 marks)

Compute the limit of the sequence




Exercise (3 marks)

Prove that the function   defined by


is for no point   continuous.

Exercise (3 marks)

Decide whether the sequence


converges and in case determine the limit.

Exercise (4 marks)

Determine the limit of the rational function


in the point  .