Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 12


Prove that in   there is no element   such that  .

Calculate by hand the approximations   in the Heron process for the square root of   with initial value  .

Let   be a real sequence. Prove that the sequence converges to   if and only if for all   a natural number   exists, such that for all   the estimation   holds.

Examine the convergence of the following sequence


where  .

Let   and   be convergent real sequences with   for all  . Prove that   holds.

Let   and   be three real sequences. Let   for all   and   and   be convergent to the same limit  . Prove that also   converges to the same limit  .

Let   be a convergent sequence of real numbers with limit equal to  . Prove that also the sequence


converges, and specifically to  .

Prove, by induction, the Simpson formula (or Simpson identity) for the Fibonacci numbers  . It says ( )


Prove by induction the Binet formula for the Fibonacci numbers. This says that


holds ( ).

Examine for each of the following subsets  

the concepts upper bound, lower bound, supremum, infimum, maximum and minimum.

  1.  ,
  2.  ,
  3.  ,
  4.  ,
  5.  ,
  6.  ,
  7.  ,
  8.  ,
  9.  .


Exercise (3 marks)

Examine the convergence of the following sequence


where  .

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the limit of the real sequence given by


Exercise (4 marks)

Prove that the real sequence


converges to  .

Exercise (5 marks)

Examine the convergence of the following real sequence  .

Exercise (5 marks)

Let   and   be sequences of real numbers and let the sequence   be defined as   and  . Prove that   converges if and only if   and   converge to the same limit.

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the limit of the real sequence given by