Mathematical Statistics


The modern Development in the field of not only Management, Commerce, Economics, Social Science, Mathematics and so on but also in our life like public service, defence banking, insurance sector, tourism and hospitality police and military etc. are dependent on a particular subject known as statistics. Statistics does play a vital role in enriching a specific domain by collecting data in that field, analysing the data by applying various statistical techniques and finally making statistical inferences about the domain. In the present world, statistics has almost a universal application. Our Government applies statistics to make the economic planning in an effective and a pragmatic way. The businessman plan and expand their horizons of business on the basis of the analysis of the feedback data. The political parties try to impress the general public by presenting the statistics of their performances and accomplishments. Most of the research scholars of today also apply statistics to present their research papers in an authoritative manner. Thus the list of people using statistics goes on and on and on. Due to these factors, it is necessary to study the subject of statistics in an objective manner.