Math Adventures/Triangle Test Cases

Consider a computer program that

  1. accepts 3 numbers as input,
  2. treats each of these numbers as representing the length of the side of a triangle, and
  3. responds with "Is a triangle" or "Is not a triangle" as output.[1]

Generate a comprehensive set of test cases.

Compare your list of test cases to this list of test cases.

Is your list of test cases complete? Are you missing any valid test cases?

Is your list of text cases efficient? Are there any redundant or unnecessary test cases?

Further Reading


Students who are interested in learning more about software testing may wish to read these books:

  • Myers, Glenford J. (1979). The art of software testing. Business data processing, a Wiley series. New York: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-04328-7. 
  • Kaner, Cem; Falk, Jack; Nguyen, Hung Quoc; Nguyen, Hung Quock (1999). Testing computer software (2. ed ed.). New York Weinheim: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-35846-6. 


  1. A similar problem apprears in: Myers, Glenford J. (1979). The art of software testing. Business data processing, a Wiley series. New York: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-04328-7.