Materials Science and Engineering/Phage Display and Materials Science

Phage Display


What is phage display?



Angela Belcher


Selection of peptides with semiconductor binding - April 10 2000

Selection of Peptides with Semiconductor Binding Specificity for Directed Nanocrystal Assembly [1]

Seug-Wuk Lee, Chuanbin Mao, Christine E. Flynn, Angela M. Belcher

Building nanostructures - April 30, 2002

Emulating biology: Building nanostructures from the bottom up [2]

Nadrian C. Seeman and Angela M. Belcher

Ordering of Quantum Dots - May 3 2002

Ordering of Quantum Dots Using Genetically Engineered Viruses [3]

Seug-Wuk Lee, Chuanbin Mao, Christine E. Flynn, Angela M. Belcher

Virus-based films - November 6, 2002

Chiral Smectic C Structures of Virus-Based Films [4]

Seung-Wuk Lee, Bryant M. Wood, Angela M. Belcher

Viral assembly of oriented quantum dot nanowires - June 10 2003

Viral assembly of oriented quantum dot nanowires [5]

Chuanbin Mao, Christine E. Flynn, Andrew Hayhurst, Rozamond Sweeney, Jifa Qi, George Georgion, Brent Iverson, Angela M. Belcher

Viruses as vehicles for growth of materials - August 31 2003

Viruses as Vehicles for Growth, Organization and Assembly of Materials [6]

Christine E. Flynn, Seug-Wuk Lee, Beau R. Peelle, Angela M. Belcher

Organization of II-VI semiconductor materials - October 2003

Synthesis and Organization of Nanoscale II-VI Semiconductor Materials Using Evolved Peptides Specifity and Viral Capsid Assembly [7]

Christine E. Flynn, Chuanbin Mao, Andrew Hayhurst, J. Williams, George Georgion, Brent Iverson, Angela M. Belcher

Fabrication of fibers - October 20 2003

Virus-Based Fabrication of Micro- and Nanofibers Using Electrospinning [8]

Seung-Wuk Lee, Angela M. Belcher

Virus-based films - November 6, 2002

Chiral Smectic C Structures of Virus-Based Films [9]

Seung-Wuk Lee, Bryant M. Wood, Angela M. Belcher

Assembly of Nanorings - December 16 2003

Genetically Driven Assembly of Nanorings Based on the M13 Virus [10]

Ki Tae Nam, Beau R. Peelle, Seung-Wuk Lee, Angela M. Belcher

Molecular orientation of M13 virus on substrate - January 6 2004

Molecular Orientation of a ZnS-Nanocrystal-Modified M13 Virus on a Silicon Substrate [11]

Jingping Ni, Seung-Wuk Lee, John M. White, Angela M. Belcher

Synthesis of Magnetic and Semiconducting Nanowires - January 9 2004

Virus-Based Toolkit for the Directed Synthesis of Magnetic and Semiconducting Nanowires [12]

Chuanbin Mao, Daniel J. Solis, Brian D. Reiss, Stephen T. Kottman, Rozamond Y. Sweeney, Andrew Hayhurst, George Georgiou, Brent Iverson, Angela M. Belcher

Metal alloy ferromagnetic nanostructures - April 30, 2004

Biological Routes to Metal Alloy Ferromagnetic Nanostructures [13]

Brian D. Reiss, Chuanbin Mao, Daniel J. Solis, Katherine S. Ryan, Thomas Thomson, Angela M. Belcher

Surface modification and electrostatic deposition of quantum dots - July 16 2004

Layer-by-Layer Surface Modification and Patterned Electrostatic Deposition of Quantum Dots [14]

Saeeda Jaffar, Ki Tae Nam, Ali Khademhosseini, Jia Xing, Robert S. Langer, Angela M. Belcher

Protein-encapsulated CoPt Nanoparticles - March 10, 2005

Bio-inspired Synthesis of Protein-Encapsulated CoPt Nanoparticles [15]

Yu Huang, Chung-Yi Chiang, Soo Kwan Lee, Yan Gao, Evelyn L. Hu, James De Yoreo, Angela M. Belcher

Biomaterials functionalization - May 15 2005

Biomaterials functionalization using a novel peptide that selectively binds to a conducting polymer [16]

Chuanbin Mao, Christine E. Flynn, Andrew Hayhurst, Rozamond Sweeney, Jifa Qi, George Georgion, Brent Iverson, Angela M. Belcher

Programmable assembly of nanoarchitectures - June 3, 2005

Programmable Assembly of Nanoarchitectures Using Genetically Engineered Viruses [17]

Yu Huang, Chung-Yi Chiang, Soo Kwan Lee, Yan Gao, Evelyn L. Hu, James De Yoreo, Angela M. Belcher

Biomimetic Co-Pt Hybrid Material - September 19, 2005

Cobalt Ion Mediated Self-Assembly of Genetically Engineered Bacteriophage for Biomimetic Co-Pt Hybrid Material [18]

Soo-Kwan Lee, Dong Son Yun, Angela M. Belcher

Assembly of viruses on polymer surfaces - February 19, 2006

Spontaneous Assembly of Viruses on Multilayered Polymer Surfaces [19]

Pil J. Yoo, Ki Tae Nam, Jifa Qi, Soo-Kwan Lee, Juhyun Park, Angela M. Belcher and Paula T. Hammond

Biomolecular recognition of crystal defects - March 22 2006

Biomolecular Recognition of Crystal Defects: A Diffuse-Selection Approach [20]

A. K. Sinensky and A. M. Belcher

Lithium ion battery electrodes - May 12 2006

Virus-Enabled Synthesis and Assembly of Nanowires for Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes [21]

Ki Tae Nam, Dong-Wan Kim, Pil J. Yoo, Chung-Yi Chiang, Nonglak Meethong, Paula T. Hammond, Yet-Ming Chiang, Angela M. Belcher