Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy is a plan for how a business will reach its targeted audience and achieve its marketing goals. The marketing strategy is outlined in the marketing plan.

Marketing Mix


The marketing mix is a combination of four elements: product, price, place, and promotion.

  • Product is the goods or service that a business is offering.
  • Price is the amount of money that customers pay for the product.
  • Place is where the product is sold. This is either a physical store or online.
  • Promotion is the way that a business communicates its product to potential customers. This includes advertising, public relations, and social media marketing.

Types of Marketing Strategies


Content Marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Marketing Tactics

  • Product differentiation: developing products that are unique and different from the competition.
  • Cost leadership: involves becoming the lowest-cost producer of a product or service.
  • Niche marketing: focusing on a specific market segment and developing products or services that are tailored to the needs of that segment.
  • Brand positioning: creating a unique image for a brand in the mind of the consumer.