Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/EU Consortium/Statutes
edit§ 1
The name is The EU Consortium for Maritime Health Research and Education
§ 2
The Consortium
- The Consortium is signed by the Coordinator or two of its designated members
- The members of the Consortium are not personally responsible for the obligations incumbent on the Consortium
§ 3
The General Assembly
- Is the highest authority of the Consortium
- Held once a year in December or January
- It is convened in writing or electronically (by mail) at least 3 weeks in advance, indicating the order of the day and with information on the proposals received in a timely manner. In addition, information is provided on the Consortium website
- The proposals that must be included in the agenda must be received by the Coordinator before December 1
§ 4
The agenda The General Assembly
- Election of Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary.
- The Coordinator's Report.
- Discussion
- Possibly
§ 5
- The financial year is the calendar year
- The fees must be paid before the general meeting is held, if it is desired to vote and exercise the right to vote.
§ 6
- The Board of Directors holds at least 2 meetings during the year.
- The Consortium holds at least one scientific meeting each year
§ 7
Modification of the Articles
- These can only take place at the annual general meeting and only if 2/3 of the voting members present vote in favour
§ 8
Termination of the Society
- This can be done at a general meeting if 2/3 of the members decide to attend in writing or by proxy. If the Consortium has assets, it is decided to accumulate them to a destination that is in accordance with the corporate purpose clause
These statutes were adopted at the general assembly....