Week 1
- Welcome, Orientation of the program
- Orientation of the MAHRE-Net program
- Next week self-study: Stress and Depression, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Pesel et al.Wellbeing of seafarers in Eastern Adriatic Sea during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020
- Mahre-Net
- Search 5 articles and make a 200-word review with a reference list
Week 2
- Experience from last week
- How to start and complete research projects – methodology
- Authors guidelines for scientific Publications
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Theoretical research modules
- Authors guidelines for scientific publications
Week 3
- Experience from last week
- Info about various ‘guidelines’ for scientific literature: PRISMA, CONSORT, STROBE, and IMRAD
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Equator-Network
- Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions - Cochrane review of reviews
Week 4
- Experience from last week
- Occupational_Health_Risk_Surveillance
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Occupational health Risk Surveillance
- Identify a work health problem onboard the ships and write a 200 words 'research project' write an abstract for the next meeting
Week 5
- Discussion on the selected work health problem
- Install and use Endnote / Zotero
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Install and use Endnote / Zotero
Week 6
- Search scientific literature
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Posttraumatic stress
- Search 5 articles on PTSD at work/sea and store them in Endnote or Zoteroand make a review with a reference list IMRAD structure
Week 7
Midterm exam
- You get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system,
- Based on abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word.
- Questions of understanding of the course content
Self-study next week 5 hours
Repeat and improve your skills in literature search management like in the midterm exam
Week 8
- Discussion on the literature search
- Data analysis – which program in UMIP for data analysis
- Epi-info, SPSS, Stata
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Orientation Electronic Research tools_2
- Electronic Research tools 2
- Download Epi-info and try it out, with a data sample
Week 9
Data analysis experiences and problems
Use of Excel, Epi-info, Spss
Venezuela data set
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Analyse a data set, make tables from the data:
- Excel Data sheet for exercise
Week 10
- Experiences from analysis of data
- The research protocol for GHQ12
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Protocolo GHQ12
- Reading reference literature in the protocol
Week 11
- Discussion of the protocol
- Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
Self-study next week 5 hours
Epidemiology and biostatistics
Week 12
- Create Google drive if not done already
- Practical management of Google Forms
Self-study next week 5 hours
- Create Google drive if not already
- Practical management of Google Forms
Week 13
Introduction to Statistics calculations in Open-Epi
Self-study next week 5 hours
Use Open-Epi
Week 14
Protocol for GHQ12
- Next week self-study: Stress and Depression, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
Plan thesis and work plan
Week 15
- Experience from last week
- Discussion of a thesis work plan
Self-study next week 5 hours
- University agreement possible class data collection
- Synopsis for thesis draft
Week 16
- Final exam and hand over of Diploma
- Show online how you use the "Boolean" type of search words maximum of five, online in Google Scholar or PubMed.
- Show how you store the references in the Zotero reference system or another you have installed.
- And how you combine writing text in Word in a small about 100-200 words summary while inserting the references and make a reference list.
- Questions of understanding of the subjects from the whole course content will also be applied.