Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/EDUCATION/Education module links/MSc Global Occupational Medical Research Education/'''MODULE 1'''

--> Education module links

--> Education module links

Week 1
  1. Welcome, Orientation of the program
  2. Orientation of the MAHRE-Net program
  3. Next week self-study: Stress and Depression, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Pesel et al.Wellbeing of seafarers in Eastern Adriatic Sea during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020
  2. Mahre-Net
  3. Search 5 articles and make a 200-word review with a reference list
Week 2
  1. Experience from last week
  2. How to start and complete research projects – methodology
  3. Authors guidelines for scientific Publications
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Theoretical research modules
  2. Authors guidelines for scientific publications
Week 3
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Info about various ‘guidelines’ for scientific literature: PRISMA, CONSORT, STROBE, and IMRAD
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Equator-Network
  2. IMRAD
  3. Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions - Cochrane review of reviews
Week 4
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Occupational_Health_Risk_Surveillance
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Occupational health Risk Surveillance
  2. Identify a work health problem onboard the ships and write a 200 words 'research project' write an abstract for the next meeting
Week 5
  1. Discussion on the selected work health problem
  2. Install and use Endnote / Zotero
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Install and use Endnote / Zotero
Week 6
  1. Search scientific literature
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Posttraumatic stress
  2. Search 5 articles on PTSD at work/sea and store them in Endnote or Zoteroand make a review with a reference list IMRAD structure
Week 7

Midterm exam

  1. You get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system,
  2. Based on abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word.
  3. Questions of understanding of the course content
Self-study next week 5 hours

Repeat and improve your skills in literature search management like in the midterm exam

Week 8
  1. Discussion on the literature search
  2. Data analysis – which program in UMIP for data analysis
  3. Epi-info, SPSS, Stata
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Orientation Electronic Research tools_2
  2. Electronic Research tools 2
  3. Download Epi-info and try it out, with a data sample
Week 9

Data analysis experiences and problems Use of Excel, Epi-info, Spss Venezuela data set

Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Analyse a data set, make tables from the data:
  2. Excel Data sheet for exercise
Week 10
  1. Experiences from analysis of data
  2. The research protocol for GHQ12
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Protocolo GHQ12
  2. Reading reference literature in the protocol
Week 11
  1. Discussion of the protocol
  2. Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
Self-study next week 5 hours

Epidemiology and biostatistics

Week 12
  1. Create Google drive if not done already
  2. Practical management of Google Forms
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. Create Google drive if not already
  2. Practical management of Google Forms
Week 13

Introduction to Statistics calculations in Open-Epi

Self-study next week 5 hours

Use Open-Epi

Week 14

Protocol for GHQ12

  1. Next week self-study: Stress and Depression, work-related
Self-study next week 5 hours

Plan thesis and work plan

Week 15
  1. Experience from last week
  2. Discussion of a thesis work plan
Self-study next week 5 hours
  1. University agreement possible class data collection
  2. Synopsis for thesis draft
Week 16
  1. Final exam and hand over of Diploma
  2. Show online how you use the "Boolean" type of search words maximum of five, online in Google Scholar or PubMed.
  3. Show how you store the references in the Zotero reference system or another you have installed.
  4. And how you combine writing text in Word in a small about 100-200 words summary while inserting the references and make a reference list.
  5. Questions of understanding of the subjects from the whole course content will also be applied.