Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/Draft WPs

The content of the MAR-NET


Is to be organised in a similar structure as for the EU Cost projects in Work Packets even it is not decided to go for such one. The content of a COST project could be drawn out of the objectives for the MAR-NET project: To study the occupational exposures and related health outcomes among young seafarers and to establish a related training:

WP 1 - Management & administration
WP 2 - Feasibility study
WP 3 - Methodology
WP 4-7 Implementation of the objectives
WP 8 - Testing and implementation of the project content
WP 9 - Dissemination of the produced results

The objectives

  1. Omega-Net, multi-country, lifelong, prospective cohort studies
  2. Standard protocols and where possible to include students Thesis work
  3. Harmonise exposure and outcome information by using standard questionnaires
  4. Objective and subjective assessments of workplace hazards exposures
  5. Develop and validate Job-exposure Matrices (JEM)
  6. Systematic reviews and pooled studies from the cohort studies
  7. Cohort-Linkage to pre-entry and follow-up health exams and other health registers
  8. Make training materials based on the cohort study outcomes and other scientific sources
  9. Give OHS training to maritime doctors, seafarers, fishermen, students and others
  10. Integrate research methodology in the supervision of student’s thesis work
  11. Administration organisation
  12. Dissemination of outputs