Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/Demographic- and health variables - open here

  • Demographics [1]

Smoking [2]

Table 1b. Smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipe – by segment QUESTION: Q1. Regarding smoking cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, which of the following applies to you? Total N % You smoke every day % You smoke occasionally % You used to smoke but you have stopped % You have never smoked Next meeting

Genes for Good – Health History Survey Height and Weight V1.2 Page 1 of 2 [3] Question 1: How tall are you without shoes? Please select (feet, inches): & Gender specific: None Routing rule: None Question 2: How much do you weigh? (if you have a scale, go ahead and weigh yourself.) Please select in Pounds: Gender specific: None Routing rule: None Question 3: Are you currently pregnant? Yes No Gender specific: Workplace questions from How old are you? _________ years 5.

General health SF-12

How is your health in general? (mark only one) 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Bad 5 Very bad General health SF-12

11. What type of ship was it? (mark only one)
1 Container ship (built for containers)

2 Bulk carrier

3 RO-RO ship

4 Reefer

5 Dry cargo ship

7 Crude oil tanker

8 Chemical and product tanker, e.g. petrol and paraffin

9 Gas tanker

10 Other tanker

11 Supply ship

6 Passenger ship/Ferry 12 Other vessel
12. What was the ship's tonnage? (mark only one)
1 Less than 500 GT 2 500-10,000 GT 3 10,001-100,000 GT 4 More than 100,000 GT
About your job 13. What was your position on board? 1 Officer 2 Not officer
14. Where were your main duties on the ship? (mark only one)
1 Deck (also bridge) 2 Engine room 3 Service (also catering) 4 Other
  1. Jensen OC, Sørensen JF, Kaerlev L, Canals ML, Nikolic N, Saarni H. Self-reported injuries among seafarers: questionnaire validity and results from an international study. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2004;36(3):405–413.
  2. european survey questionnaire smoking - Google-søgning [Internet]. [cited 2020 Sep 14]. Available from:
  3. Brieger K, Zajac GJ, Pandit A, Foerster JR, Li KW, Annis AC, et al. Genes for good: engaging the public in genetics research via social media. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;105(1):65–77.