Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/March 23: 7:30-9

Colloquium Agenda Wednesday 23-3-2016 7:30-9:00

Clinica Einstein, Via Argentina, Panama City
Clinical colloquium in Clinica Einstein Sat 19 March 2016
  1. Present:
  2. Welcome
  3. Vision and mission continued Rimsky and Thania
  4. Ongoing research Thania
  5. Clinical guidelines Pre-diabetes Dayra traera las guias de diagnostico de la ADA
  6. Start to develp new issue for clinical guidelines?
  7. Report and discussion of a clinical case
  8. History and theory 10 minutes, proposal for the next colloquium
  9. Discussion of a selected scientific article of the week New Article TMAS-Sweden
  10. Agenda and tasks for the next colloquium
  11. Evaluation of the day