Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/Colloquia history/March 04: 8:00-9:30
participants: Jomeyni Prudencio, Thania, Raphael, Rimsky, Olaf
- Our main discussion was about 1 case presented by Dra. Thania - seafarer from a cruise line, BMI > 50, normal blodlipids, normotensive, was grounded
- What happened before the HE ? the use of anti- xxx
- Why hasnt any medical persons on board the cruiseline tried to help and prevent for this seafarer ?
- How could this be prevented in the future?
- 2) We tried out the OpenEMR system to see if it could be useful in the clinic
- Guidelines for pre-diabetes: diagnosis and follow up (Dr. Raphael Pretto)
- Presentacion power point de caso medico TBC. Con enfoque maritimo internacional (Dr. Gabriel Sucre) - Publicar articulo /ppt
- Thania and Gabriel: Zotero reference program - status?
- Ishiharas test, needs for repeat the test every 2nd year? (Dra. Thania)…
- Vaccination guide (Dra. Thania)
- La-Am-IMHA Research-learning Center
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