Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/Colloquia history/Jan 07: 8:00-9:30

Participants: RS, TA, RP and OJ


  1. Vaccination guide (Dra. Thania) - there is a need to standardise the guidelines, could be in a seesion in the Sep 2017 meeting in Panama Hispano-Franc
  2. GSH GlobalSeaE-health program application,
  3. How to proceede with a Research-Learning Center, a room in Clinica Einstein is avaliable for meetings

Postponed for next colloium in march 2017

  1. Guidelines for pre-diabetes: diagnosis and follow up (Dr. Raphael Pretto)
  2. Presentacion power point de caso medico TBC. Con enfoque maritimo internacional (Dr. Gabriel Sucre) - Publicar articulo /ppt
  3. Thania and Gabriel: Zotero reference program - status?
  4. Ishiharas test, needs for repeat the test every 2nd year? (Dra. Thania)…