Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/Colloquia from April 15th 2017 to Dec 31 2018

hort meeting December 2018 Thursday 20

Integrantes: - Dr. Olaf Jensen, Dr. Natasha Diaz, Dr. Aruxi Aparicio


  1. Notifications of occupational diseases
  2. We will ask CSS
Reunion 2018-12-10

Colloquium December 2018 Monday 12 09:00-11:00

Integrantes: - Dr. Olaf Jensen, Dr. Natasha Diaz, Dr. Aruxi Aparicio

Agenda -

  1. Notifications of occupational diseases
  2. Orientation of the department
  3. Next meeting will be 19th december 2018

Colloquium December 2018 Monday 10 09:00-10:30

Reunion 2018-12-10

Integrantes: - Dr. Olaf Jensen, Dr. Natasha Diaz, Dr. Aruxi Aparicio, Dr. Rimsky Sucre

Agenda -

  1. Instructions to use the Wikiversity.
  2. Possible interest for investigation.
  3. Upload CE cases.

Agenda Integrantes: - Dr. Olaf Jensen, Dr. Natasha Diaz, Dr. Aruxi Aparicio, Dr. Rimsky Sucre

Colloquium March 2018 Sat 24 09:00-10:00 Agenda

Laboratorios recomendados Para Marinos “fit for duties”

  • Por Dra. Nathalie Ruiz
  1. Hemograma Completo (hemoglobina, leucocitos, plaquetas)
  2. Química sanguínea: pruebas de función renal (creatinina, BUN);
  3. Perfil lipídico (Colesterol, Trigliceridos);
  4. Función hepática (Transaminasas);
  5. Glucosa en ayuna (y/o Hemoglobina glicosilada)
  6. Urinálisis (que incluya proteinuria y glucosuria)

Laboratorios recomendados.pptx

Planned Agenda:

  1. Validity of BP measurement - Karolyn
  2. Lab tests for healthy seafarers´ fit for duty examination - Dra. Nathalie Ruiz
  3. Medicina del trabajo center for investigacion y speciality training
  4. WHO ban use of mercury
  5. Validity comparison of mercury and non-mercury equipment
  6. Clinical data research proposal Survey for the clinics

Colloquium March 2018 Sat 17 09:00-10:00

Colloquium 17 March 2018

Present: Dra. Karolyn Paolo, Dra. Nathalie Ruiz, Dr. Olaf Jensen and Dr. Rimsky Sucre Agenda:

  1. Toma de presión arterial
  2. Hypertension prevalence

1. Presentacion por Dra. Paolo:

Al llegar al consultorio:

  1. Evitar: Ejercicio previo, alcohol, o tabaco por lo menos 15 minutos antes.
  2. Toma con dolor o discomfort.
  3. Reposo sentado de por lo menos 5 minutos. Postura correcta, sin cruzar piernas.
  4. No debe hablar ni moverse durante la toma de PA.
  5. Brazo inmóvil sobre la mesa del consultorio.


  1. Manguito de brazo y no muñeca Calibrado
  2. Límite inferior del manguito debe estar 2 dedos por encima del pliegue y a la altura del corazón.
  3. Manguito de tamaño adecuado para perímetro del brazo y sin que comprima.
  • Pequeño: 17-22 cm
  • Mediano: 22-32 cm
  • Grande: 32-42 cm
  1. Medir PA en ambos brazos la primera vez. Y tratar de hacer 2-3 medidas si la diferencia es de >5mmHg.
  2. Tomas de PA alternas si sale alta en la primera toma.

2. The article Hypertension among Danish seafarers was discussed with no good answer how the prevalence could be that high - probably measurement error - a similar study could be done in Clinica Einstein

Colloquium Oct 2017 Sat 14 08:00-10:00

  • Present: Dra. Karolyn Paolo, Dra. Nathalie Ruiz, Dr. Olaf Jensen and Dr. Gabriel Sucre
  • Agenda:
  1. Usernames in Wikiversity created
  2. Rsearch tools familiarisation
  3. Use of personal publication report in Linkedin and Research Gate


  1. Collaboration for Panama and Costa Rica
  2. Digital program
  3. The article about seafarers BMI is nearly finished
  4. ABB (ASEA Brown Boveri) is a Swedish-Swiss multinational corporation had a pt. and asked Thania for possible help with BMI problems: Proposal group health survey with solutions.
  5. Medicina Maritima Encuesta sobre enfermedades del_trabajo
  6. Clinical data monitoring Google Forms/ Epi-data
  • The routine data from the pre-embarkation health examinations are monitored
  • The seafarers with pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes, and obesity in the population will be early diagnosed and offered prevention.
  • The epidemiological analysis of the data and publication of the results will help to point out the important areas for early diagnosis and first prevention.

Drs. Nathalie, Karolyn, Hannah and Olaf,

colloquium at Clinica Einstein, Drs. Nathalie, Karolyn, Hannah and Olaf
  • Colloquium July 2017 Saturday 29

Agenda: Welcome to Drs. Karolyn Paolo and Hannah Diermissen, The agenda for the next meetings:

  1. The content of the Colloquia
  2. Friendship and colaboration for Panama and Costa Rica
  3. Development of scientific publications
  • Dr. Nathalie Ruiz talks about a program from her previous clinic.
  • Whether the program can be used for export of data for research and the lab values trend over year can be shown will be found out.
  • The company will be able to present us the prices, functions and the posibility of extract information for studies and articles.
  1. The article about seafarers BMI is nearly finished, Dr Nathalie Ruiz will help and join as co-author.
  2. Thania, Karolyn, and Nathalie will continue colloquia on Saturdays as far as the time allows
  3. ABB company asked for assistance with BMI problems: CE may offer an OM group survey with help to solutions.

The meeting was from 9:00-11:00

  • Rsearch meeting Thania June 03 2017

Agenda: The research article

  1. The article about seafarers BMI is nearly finished, Dr Nathalie Ruiz will help and join as co-author.

The meeting was from 13:00-14:30

  • Agenda for April 2017 Saturday 29

Present: Thania, Olaf, Rimsky, Gabriel

  • to continue with the pending issues
The Vaccination guide to be available on paper sheets and web pages
  • The Colloquia are every Saturday 8 to 930 - minutes are added every Saturday
  • A power Point model for specifically Clinica Einstein with logo to be developed
  • Tim: 8-10

  • Agenda for April 2017 Saturday 22

Present: Thania and Olaf

  • The Vaccination guide is ready, will be available on paper sheets and web pages
  • Research projects on Wednesdays 1 to 2 PM in the Center
  • A power Point model for specifically Clinica Einstein with logo to be developed
  • Occupational Medicine course University of Panama: Tania and Rimsky are invited lecturers
  • Time; 8-10

  • Agenda for April 2017 Saturday 15

Present: Thania, Olaf and Rimsky

  • Time in the clinic: 8-11
  1. Celebration the first year Colloquia
  2. Call for assistant editors of the Wikiversity pages
  3. Standard form for occupational medical case presentations - guideline ppt
  4. Clinica Einstein own structure: Author names, date year presentation at an event, bottom line "CE
  5. Upload the ppts produced in CE to Slide share, with Title, date, author and URL to Slide share list
  6. Vaccination guide (Dra. Thania)
  7. The equator-network CLINICAL CASE REPORTING
  8. Guidelines for pre-diabetes: diagnosis and follow up (..? )
  9. Presentacion power point de caso medico TBC. Con enfoque maritimo internacional (Dr. Gabriel Sucre) - Publicar articulo /ppt ?
  10. Ishiharas test, needs for repeat the test every 2nd year? (Dra. Thania)…
  11. Latin-Am Occup-Maritime IMHA-Research Learning Center
  12. OpenEMR SDU
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