Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/Aug 06: 8:00-9:30
preliminary program
- Present
- Revision del caso artículo del estudio de Obesidad en Marinos.(Dra. Thania Aguilar, Dr. Rimsky Sucre / )
- Presentar power point de caso medico TBC. Con enfoque maritimo (Dr. Gabriel Sucre).
- A case of serious exanthema (irritant?) in a seafarer cleaning a dieseltank (Dra. Thania) (ppt and/or clinical case publish)
- Literature on ishiharas test, needs for repeat the test every 2nd year? (Dra. Thania)…
- Ongoing research Thania continue to present study results on 100 seafarers (60 patients and 40 health examinations)
- Thania and Gabriel: Zotero reference program
- The program is installed and ready to be used by all staff, Thania, Gabriel and Rafael will assist anyone who needs help
- Planning for the rest of the year to be discussed