Maritime Clinical Colloquial Network/Aug 06: 8:00-9:30

preliminary program

  1. Present
  2. Revision del caso artículo del estudio de Obesidad en Marinos.(Dra. Thania Aguilar, Dr. Rimsky Sucre / )
  3. Presentar power point de caso medico TBC. Con enfoque maritimo (Dr. Gabriel Sucre).
  4. A case of serious exanthema (irritant?) in a seafarer cleaning a dieseltank (Dra. Thania) (ppt and/or clinical case publish)
  5. Literature on ishiharas test, needs for repeat the test every 2nd year? (Dra. Thania)…
  6. Ongoing research Thania continue to present study results on 100 seafarers (60 patients and 40 health examinations)
  7. Thania and Gabriel: Zotero reference program
  8. The program is installed and ready to be used by all staff, Thania, Gabriel and Rafael will assist anyone who needs help
  9. Planning for the rest of the year to be discussed