Mapudungun language/Lesson 2: Chumül akuymi?

This lesson uses the Mapudungun's Unified Alphabet.



(Andrés, a student, arrives his school)

Teacher: Mari mari kom pu che.
Pichikeche: Mari mari Teacher.
Teacher: Anümün. Fachiantü ta kiñe we kolekial müley. Iney pingeymi?
Andrés: Iñche ta Andrés Huichalao pingen.
Teacher: Tunten tripantü nieymi?
Andrés: Aylla tripantü nien.
Teacher: Chew tuwimi am?
Andrés: Epul lof tuwün.
Teacher: Chumül akuymi?
Andrés: Wiya akun.
Teacher: Feymew, fewla kake pichikeche müley mi kimael.



Teacher: Good morning everybody.
Niños: Good morning teacher.
Teacher: Sit down. Today we have a new student. What's your name?
Andrés: My name is Andrés Huichalao.
Teacher: How old are you?
Andrés: I'm nine.
Teacher: Where are you from?
Andrés: I come from the Epul community.
Teacher: When did you arrive here?
Andrés: Yesterday.
Teacher: Well OK, now you have to meet the other children.



Kom pu che: Everybody, all people.

kom: everything
pu: plural form for animated nouns
che: people

Anümün: Sit down.
Fachiantü ta kiñe we kolekial müley: Today we have a new student.

fachiantü: today (lit. this day)
kiñe: one
we: new
kolekial: student, pupil
müley: there is

Tunten tripantü nieymi?: How old are you?

tunten: how (how many, most commonly)
tripantü: year
nieymi: (you) have/are

Aylla tripantü nien: I am nine.

aylla: nine
nien: I have / I am

Chew tuwimi am?: Where are you from?

chew: where
tuwimi: (you do) come

Epul lof tuwün: I come from the Epul community-

lof: lof, Mapuche community
tuwün: (I) come

Chumül akuymi?: When did you arrive here?

chumül: when
akuymi: arrive here

Wiya akun: I arrived yesterday.

wiya: yesterday
akun: arrived here

Feymew, fewla kake pichikeche müley mi kimael: Well OK, now you have to meet the other children

feymew: then, well OK
fewla: now
kake: others
pichikeche: children (lit. small people)
müley mi kimael: (you) must meet (lit. you are to meet)