Viewing health through a prevention and health promotion lens and applying this thinking can reflect a micro and/or macro level approach. In MSP we will take the opportunity to think 'macro'. How can our actions as health professionals - experts in occupation and its relationship to health and wellbeing - take on a more population rather than individual focus. How can we promote health by tackling the determinants of health (individual and social) environments, policy, personal skills, community action, and reorienting health services.

During this week you will be encouraged to think about prevention and health promotion. You will attend or access the scheduled lecture. During this lecture we will set out your task to explore a population health strategy (a project) with the dual aim of:

Firstly, understanding how others have tackled the health burden at a population level, and

Secondly, thinking about the strengths and limitations of the projects that others have scoped and devised to address identified needs.

Instructions for this week

1. Listen to this podcast with Evelyne DeLeeuw - where she talks with Tracy Fortune about why health promotion, and, why OT?