Macro Strategies to Enable Occupation/Health project



Project Proposal – 15% As part of your project team you will generate and submit a 3000 word project proposal. The proposal is the written statement that captures the project background, justification and the plan of how the project will proceed. Your proposal should conform to the guidelines and you should review the project proposal criteria. The proposal is due Thursday 24th July.

This assignment relates to learning outcome 2.



As part of your project team you will write a 6000 word project report that will outline the entire project process from scoping through to the final outcomes/deliverables. It will follow a recommended proforma (see guide), which includes an executive summary, and recommendations. Supplementary documents to be submitted include the project logbook. You are encouraged to review the marking criteria. Due September 15th

This assignment relates to learning outcomes 2, 4, 5 & 6.



At the 2014 Graduating students’ conference to be held over 2 days during the Week of November 17th (TBC), you will participate in an oral presentation, which outlines the entire project process from initial scoping through to final outcome. Faculty staff and agency sponsors are invited to attend. You are required to both participate as a presenter and an audience member for the duration of the conference to support your peers. Prior to the conference you are required to submit a 450 word abstract that briefly outlines the content and intent of the session (see other hurdles). Each presentation will be 30 minutes and will include approximately 5-10 minutes for question/audience participation. You are encouraged to review the marking guide for this assignment.

This assignment relates to learning outcome 2, 4, 5, 6.