Lunar Boom Town/GLOP Processor patterns, templates, details

Overall process diagram -- playing around with indexes trying to devise encoding that can be used to flip quickly to proper area of interest.

1. Household recycling -- Most households throw away packing materials that are very useful for modeling and prototyping on a budget. For example: Diagrams to be scanned for use at Wikiversity can be drawn on the back of waste paper such as computer printouts or envevelopes. Spacecraft models can be created from from plastic containers and painted appropriately such that action sequences can be videotaped for splicing into computer generated graphics using packages such as GIMP, Art of Illusion, Blender, 3DSMax, etc.

2. Organics -->GLOP stream Can be used to create methane (CH4), fertilizers, bio diesal, and even explosives. Different feedstocks and chemical processes are needed to achieve specific results.

3. household combustables -- Can be used to generate heat, energy, and carbon dioxide. These can be used to regulate temperature, as generic energy, and even to create rocket feuls.

4 ... know what? need to look up legal definitions in environmental regulation -- reduce workload later.