Lunar Boom Town/Creative information artist

Getting Started


We need a pallette of free (no cost GPL'ed and/or cc'ed) sprite/icon/objects/ to use in process diagrams. Lunar located artists can use this free information to create economically valuable data for sale back to non Lunar economic entities. This will help our initial trade imbalance and allow continued import of nitrogen and carbon via specialty foods for sale to tourists.

We might check on FDL'ed tile sets for various free/open source games such as freeciv, xpilot, or The Urquan Masters. Perhaps there is existing graphics available we can reuse in accordance with their licensing requirements. Or we can sketch and scan or model and photograph.

upload jpg source from Virtual Modeler: Airport Operations (VAP) thumbnails should be available from Director. Should be able to program a conversion utility to shift data objects and groups from Director Caste to other groupings. Right now I just want sprite to represent realtime physical object and planned or optional possibilities. Later can build electronic engineering models so objects on screen can be controlled by reporting sensors - bam! A virtual 3D replica of scope defined by a frame or zone specification which is simple 2d geometry. (Gimp,?); (Blender,?) (ArtOfIllusion,java), (3DMax,C+?), (Autocad14, Lisp) and (Macromedia Director, object oriented scripting language unique to Macromedia) can all be programmed, all have various internal programmable objects and can put out unique programmagle objects.

basic planning cycle

  • model what exists as function of time within defined scope of specified activity
  • propose,design,guess solutions
  • analysis to see if can improve or what known and unknown results are likely
  • pick specific items to test which improve understanding of problem domain and possible solution sets
  • revise per specified milestones (performance, budget, schedle, etc.)
  • progress payments and binding agreements each task has little set of requirements for both sides with specified remedies, actions, consequences, etc. with specific triggering criteria.

task (identification, implementation,


Material from Duplicate page to be merged above


apparently we now need warning on the GLOP or separate flow streams.

  • private
  • public

Nobody should be able to make money by submitting my GPL/FDL materials to the above ... or should they? I GLOPed some to help think about since I am not yet a totally professional writer.

I may need to suspend operations here briefly and convert Terran Water Tanker into a short play. There is a volunteer voice artist at cislunarfreight, been there months, but we have few scripts. Maybe I should offer him some choice on which manuscript we should do. Maybe talk to irc radio guys about doing a radio show for them. Lots of possibilies. Mirwin 04:41, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

have not found rates yet but cites text, video, audio, images

I have made promises regarding VAP data but nobody has taken me up on it yet. Possibly better ac that youtube. Maybe convert 3d models to Art of Illusion and Blender and FDL them since ac probably does not handle, sell existing to ac if their microresidual look fair and examination of their board and public record implies accurate ethical bookkeeping so fair shot of getting paid. Then get on with fun new stuff. I can still use everything because I own it. I should send an email to craig pointing this site out to him and let him know when I GPL/FDL or cc the 3d models. I do not know if he ever got the disks and message I asked his his dad to forward to him explaining the terms under which he was welcome to use his creation which I owned all rights to as his employee. Mirwin 04:51, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

nymia advogato master on marketing[1] Mirwin 01:40, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

Collaborative Compensatory Publishing Sites


Caution: The links in this section are provided in the hope that people will test them and report back on strengths and weakness from the various perspectives of the various organization factors and influences vested here via participation and mutual interaction. Mirwin 04:15, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

Not instant published there is either a 2 or 10 day processing period depending upon payback program selected before submittal is available even to yourself. Mirwin 04:15, 27 November 2007 (UTC)