
(Redirected from Logview Installation)

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What is Logview?


Logview is a program used to graph and document the charging of any battery through a charging station.

Materials to Download


VCP Driver

Logview Software

Disconnect the LiPo Charger before installing the VCP Driver.

Steps to downloading the VCP Driver (Must be downloaded before Logview)


1. Click on the link to download the VCP driver

2. Choose which kit is suitable for your operating system

3. Save the kit to your computer

4. After the kit has been successfully saved, the installation window pop-ups. Go through the terms of license agreement and choose where the program would be saved on the computer

5. Once the window says that the installation has been done, another window pops up, asking for the user to install the driver. Click install and the window will say it has been successfully installed.

6. After the installation is completed, restart the computer before installing Logview.

7. Connect the LiPo Charger and make sure it successfully installs at a serial port using the control panel hardware device manager.

Steps to downloading Logview


1. Click on the link to download Logview

2. Click on LogView_2.7.4.485 presented as the Most Popular File to the right.

3. Save Logview to your computer.

4. Once Logview has been saved, open it and the installation window will pop up. Agree to the terms of license agreement and go through the installation process.

5. Click done once the installation is completed.

Steps to setting up Logview


1. Go to the start button and go to all programs. Find Logview V2 and click on Logview.

2. Logview will pop-up a window in german. This is the settings configuration window. Change the language from deutsch to English by clicking on the tab.

3. Continue through the settings process. The next page will ask which port device to use. Make sure the port device you are using is the one with the usb connected to the charging station.

4. After you have choosen the port device, Logview will ask which device to use. Scroll to select a charging station. The Thunder AC6 Dual Power charger is a Bantham E-Station BC-6.

5. After the device is chosen, Logview will ask where should the Logview files be saved. Choose whatever folder to save in. If no folder is choosen, each file saved will stimulate a dialogue box.

6. Next Logview asks whether to enable the autosave function. Autosave will save every document automatically to avoid accidental loss of documentation. Choose whether or not the enable the function and continue on the settings process.

7. The last step is to wait for the donation screen to count down to 0. Click finish and Logview will open.

Using the Charger


Video of the "Thunder AC6 Dual Power Charger"