Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Lecture 18/refcontrol


In this lecture, we provide another description for the determinant with the help of permutations.

For a set , we call the set

of all bijective mappingsMDLD/bijective mappings

on the automorphism group or the permutation group of .

The operation is the composition of mappings, therefore, it is associative, the identity is the neutral element. The inverse element for a bijective mapping is just the inverse mapping. Hence, this is a group. A bijective mapping is also called a permutation.

For the finite set , we also write

A permutation of a finite set can be described with a (complete) value table or with an arrow diagram.

Let be a finite set and let be a permutationMDLD/permutation (finite) on . Then is called a cycle of order , if there exists a subset , containing elements and such that is on the identity and such that commutes the elements of in a cyclic way. If , then we write

We consider the permutation

We can write this as the product of the two cyclesMDLD/cycles (permutation) and .

An element with is called a fixed pointMDLD/fixed point of the permutation. The (action) scope of a permutation is the set of points from which are not fixed points. For a cycle, the set is the scope. We mention without proof that every permutation is a product of cycles. Such a product representation is called a cycle representation.

For a natural number , one puts

and calls this factorial.

Let be a finite set with elements. Then the permutation groupMDLD/permutation group

contains exactly elements.

Let . For , there are possible images, for , there are possible images remaining, for , there are possible images remaining, etc. Therefore, there are altogether

possible permutations.


A transposition on a finite set is a permutationMDLD/permutation

on which swaps two elements and leaves all other elements on their place.

A transposition is a cycle of length .

Every permutationMDLD/permutation on a finite set can be written as a product of


We proof the statement by induction over the cardinality of the set . For , there is nothing to show, so let . The identity is the empty product of transpositions. So suppose that is not the identity, and let . Let be the transposition which swaps and . Then is a fixed pointMDLD/fixed point of , and we can consider as a permutation on . By the induction hypothesis, there exist transpositions on such that on . This does also hold on , and we get .

The sign of a permutation

Let and let be a permutationMDLD/permutation on . Then we call the number

the sign of the permutation .

The sign is or , because in the numerator and in the denominator, up to sign, the same differences occur. Thus, for the sign, there are only two possible values. For , we say that is an even permutation, and for , we say that is an odd permutation.

Let and let be a permutationMDLD/permutation on . We call an index pair

an inversion (of ), if


Let and let be a permutationMDLD/permutation on . Let denote the number of inversionsMDLD/inversions (permutation) of . Then the signMDLD/sign (permutation) of equals

We write

because, after this reordering, we have in the numerator as well as in the denominator the product of all positive differences.

We consider the permutation

with the cycle representation

The inversions are

so there are of those. The sign is due to fact, and the permutation is odd.

The sign is a group homomorphism in the sense of the following definition.

Let and denote groups.MDLD/groups A mappingMDLD/mapping

is called group homomorphism, if the equality

holds for all


The sign mappingMDLD/sign mapping

is a

group homomorphism.MDLD/group homomorphism

Let two permutations and be given. Then

Let and let be a permutationMDLD/permutation on . Let

be written as a product of transpositions.MDLD/transpositions Then the signMDLD/sign (permutation) can be described as

Suppose that the transposition swaps the numbers . Then

The last equation follows from the fact that, in the first and the second product, all numerators and denominators are positive, and the fact that, in the third and in the forth product, the numerators are negative and the denominators are positive. Therefore, as the index sets of the third and the fourth product coincide, all the signs cancel each other.

The statement follows from the case of a transposition via the homomorphism property.

Let be an arbitrary set with elements, but without an ordering, and let be a permutation on . Then we can not talk about inversions,MDLD/inversions and the definition of signMDLD/definition of sign via products of differences is not directly applicable. However, we can look at fact in order to define the sign in this slightly more general situation. For this, we write as a product of transpositions and define

To see that this is well-defined, we consider a bijection

The permutation on defines on the permutation . Let be a representation as a product of transpositions on . Then

where . These are also transpositions, so that the parity of is determined by the sign of .

The Leibniz formula for the determinant
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

For the determinantMDLD/determinant of an -matrixMDLD/matrix

the formula

We do induction over , the base case is clear, so let . The set of permutations can be split up, by sorting along , and considering the bijective mappings

as a permutation on , by both sets in an order-preserving way with . This yields a bijection , where denotes the set of permutations on which send to . Between the signs, there is the relation

since we need transpositions to put the -th place to the first place. Altogether, there is a natural bijection

Hence, we get

Here, is the submatrix in which the first row and the -th column is omitted. For the penultimate equation, we use the induction hypothesis, and the last equation rests on Laplace expansion with respect to the first row.

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