Latin II/Verbs Present 2 Lesson 2

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Last time we added some very common Latin verbs to those we have already learned. We’ll continue with a few more new verbs today and for the next few lessons.

New Vocabulary

Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
quō (adv.) where to, where, whither With motion toward
placeō, placēre, placuī, placitus, 2 please, be pleasing to   Used w. dat.
This may be a more frequent usage to express liking for something than the verb “amo,” but it requires use of the dative. In this way it is very similar to Italian, and to the French “S’il vous plait”.
, īre, īvī / iī, itum (irreg.) go  
volō, velle, voluī (irreg.) am willing, wish for, want
Frequently used with infinitive, although we will limit it this lesson.

New Sentences

Latin English Notes
Lūcia Gāium amat. Lucia likes/loves Gaius.
Gāius Lūciae placet. Gaius is pleasing to Lucia/ Lucia likes Gaius.
Is mihi placet. / Eum amō. I like him.
Ea mihi placet. / Eam amō. I like her.
Id mihi placet. / Id amō. I like it.
Eī nōn placeō. / Mē nōn amat. He/she doesn’t like me.
Eīs placēs. / Tē amant. They like you.
Eīs nōn placēmus. / Nos non amant. They don’t like us.
Cibus mihi placet. / Cibum amo. I like the food.
Mārcus omnibus placet. / Omnes Marcum amant. Everyone likes Marcus.
Placetne tibi ver? Do you like spring?
Nōnne tibi canēs placent? You like dogs, don’t you?
Schola eī nōn placet. He/she does not like school.
Diārium eī placet. He/she likes the newspaper.
Librī eī placent. He/she likes the books.
Placentne eīs mala? Do they like apples?
Serpentēs Lūciae nōn placent. Lucia doesn’t like snakes.
Vīnum fēminīs placet. The women like wine.
Vīnum volō. I want wine.
Dormīre volō. I want to sleep.
Lac vīs, sed aquam vult. You want milk, but he wants water.
Quid vīs? What do you want?
Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.
Mārcus īre vult. Marcus wants to go.
Pānem volumus. We want bread.
Amīcōs volumus. We want friends.
Quot pōcula vultis? How many cups do you (pl.) want?
Septem tunicās vultis. You want seven shirts.
Crūstula volunt. They want cookies.
Pecūniam volunt, sed labor eīs nōn placet. They want money, but they don’t like work.
Domum eō. I am going home.
Nunc eō. I am going now.
Quō īs? Where are you going?
Ad scholam īs. You are going to school.
Mārcus domum it. Marcus is going home.
Decem mīlia passuum it. He/she goes (for) ten miles.
Ad vivārium īmus. We are going to the zoo.
Māne ad scholam īmus. In the morning we go to school.
Ad cauponam ītis. You are going to a restaurant.
Quō ītis? Where are you going?
Quō eunt? Where are they going?
Mārcus et Paula ad montēs eunt. Marcus and Paula are going to the mountains.


Reading, writing and speaking
Step one Try this Reading exercise
Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

Only three new verbs, but lots of sentences this time! Don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to master some of these forms. Most Latin verbs are more regular, but these are used frequently. We’ll keep adding new verbs for a few more lessons. Also, as you may guess, sometime in the future we will need to have a separate lesson on infinitives. Valēte!