Latin/Imperatives Lesson 2

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From our previous lesson, remember that imperatives are expressed in either singular or plural, addressing one person or more than one. This lesson, we’ll work on some imperatives that come from irregular or deponent verbs, and some combinations of imperatives and infinitives.

There are some verbs that have extra-short singular imperatives:

Verb Command sing Command pl English
Very short Latin commands
dīcō dīc! dīcite! say/tell!
dūcō dūc! dūcite! lead!
faciō fac! facite! make/do!
ferō fer!   ferte! bear/bring/carry!

Deponent verbs form the imperative singular by changing the final -is of the 2nd person singular form to an -e. They form the imperative plural the same way as the 2nd person plural.

Verb Command sing Command pl English
Latin deponent verb commands
cōnor cōnāre! cōnāminī! try!
sequor sequere! sequiminī! follow!
ōrior ōrīre! ōrīminī! rise!

New Sentences

Latin English Notes
Ī / Īte domum! Go home!
Abī! / Abīte! Go away!
Exspectā! / Exspectāte! Wait!
Vēnde / Vēndite domum. Sell the house.
Sequere / Sequiminī mē. Follow me.
Fac / Facite id iterum! Do it again!
Fer / Ferte auxilium! Bring help!
Affer / Afferte mihi cultrum! Bring me a knife!
Aufer / Auferte ab eō gladium! Take the sword away from him! From aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus = take away
Dīc / Dīcite mihi omnia! Tell me everything!
Dūc / Dūcite Lūciam ad hortum nostrum. Lead (take) Lucia to our garden.
Loquere / Loquiminī Latīnē, quaesō. Speak Latin, please.
Loquere / Loquiminī mēcum. Talk to me / Speak with me.
Ūtere / Ūtiminī hoc pōculō. Use this cup.
Cōnāre / Cōnāminī dormīre. Try to sleep.
Mementō / Mementōte ōstium claudere. Remember to close the door.
Nōlī / Nōlīte mātris tuae (vestrae) oblīvīscī! Don’t forget your mother! n.b. nōlī is used with infinitive form to complete its meaning; oblīvīscor is used with gen. case.
Jace / Jacite pīlam! Throw the ball!
Lavā / Lavāte manūs! Wash your hands!
Mementō morī. Remember that you will die literally, remember to die
Dā mihi, amābō, plūs sōlānōrum tūberōsōrum tūnsōrum et iūris! I’ll have some more mashed potatoes and gravy! From Latin for Even More Occasions, by Henry Beard. 6th graders love this one!


Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

We have more imperatives for you in the next lesson. Valēte!