Latin II/Future Tense Lesson 1
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Today we continue exploring verb tenses with the Future Tense. The Present, Imperfect, and Future tenses together are known as the “Present system” because they all use the “present stem” which is formed from the 1st principal part. Studying these three tenses together is good because it’s easier to learn the endings and rules with this kind of systematic approach, it saves effort because these rules apply to most verbs, and we believe it helps long-term memory. And we’ll share a silly song that may help later on.
New Grammar
editFor all conjugations, the “present stem” is the 1st principal part, minus the -ō on the end. Exemplī grātiā: voc-, mon-, mitt- or capi-, audi-
To form the future tense:
Formed by | Latin Example vocō | English meaning |
present stem + ā + bō | vocābō | I will (shall) call |
present stem + ā + bis | vocābis | you will call |
present stem + ā + bit | vocābit | he will call |
present stem + ā + bimus | vocābimus | we will (shall) call |
present stem + ā + bitis | vocābitis | you will call |
present stem + ā + bunt | vocābunt | they will call |
Formed by | Latin Example moneō | English meaning |
present stem + ē + bō | monēbō | I will warn |
present stem + ē + bis | monēbis | you will warn |
present stem + ē + bit | monēbit | he will warn |
present stem + ē + bimus | monēbimus | we will warn |
present stem + ē bitis | monēbitis | you will warn |
present stem + ē + bunt | monēbunt | they will warn |
(This first lesson will feature only 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs, and one irregular verb)
Formed by | Latin Example mitto (3rd) | English meaning | Latin Example capio (3rd) | English meaning | Latin Example audio (4th) | English meaning |
present stem + am | mittam | I will send | capiam | I will take | audiam | I will hear |
present stem +ēs | mittēs | You will send | capiēs | You will take | audiēs | You will hear |
present stem +et | mittet | He / she / it will send | capiet | He / she take | audiet | He / she hear |
present stem + ēmus | mittēmus | We will send | capiēmus | We will take | audiēmus | We will hear |
present stem + ētis | mittētis | You (pl) will send | capiētis | You (pl) will take | audiētis | You (pl) will hear |
present stem + ent | mittent | They will send | capient | They will take | audient | They will hear |
The irregular verb sum has its unique conjugation in future tense:
Latin | English |
erō | I will be |
eris | you will be |
erit | he will be |
erimus | we will be |
eritis | you will be |
erunt | they will be |
Now for the silly song, as promised, which gives you paradigms for all three tenses of the present system: (to the tune of Three Blind Mice)
-o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt
-bam, -bas, -bat, -bamus, -batis, -bant
-bo, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt; or -am, -es, -et, -emus, -etis, ent
These are the endings for Present System, Active Voice (Use the 1st principal part)
New Vocabulary
editLatin | English | Notes |
proximus, ī | neighbor | |
proximus, a, um (adj.) | nearest, next, most recent, latest |
New Sentences
editLatin | English | Notes |
Gāius in scholā erit. | Gaius will be in school. | |
Fēlicēs erimus. | We will be happy. | |
Ubī eris /eritis? | Where will you be? | |
Ibī erunt. | They will be there. | |
Crās in officiō erō. | I will be in the office tomorrow. | |
Tē exspectābō. | I will wait for you. | |
Ūnam hebdomadem espectābunt. | They will wait for one week. | |
Vocābisne / vocābitisne Mātrem? | Will you call Mother? | |
Eam vocābō. | I will call her. | |
Paula Mārcum proximā hebdomade vidēbit. | Paula will see Marcus next week. | |
Mē nōn vidēbis. | You will not see me. | |
Librum tibi diē Veneris dabō. | I will give you the book on Friday. | |
Lūcia parentibus donum dabit. | Lucia will give her parents a gift. | |
Ad scholam ambulābimus. | We will walk to school. | |
Nōbīscum manēbis/manēbitis. | You will stay with us. | |
Hīc pernoctābimus. | We will spend the night here. | |
Diē Martis navigābimus. | We will sail on Tuesday. | |
Nōs adjuvābunt (adiuvābunt). | They will help us. | |
Vōbīscum crās labōrābō. | I will work with you tomorrow. | |
Magistra discipulōs verbum novum docēbit. | The teacher will teach the students the new word. | doceō takes a double accusative; see Wiktionary |
Līberī nimium televisiōnis spectābunt. | The children will watch too much television. | |
Serpentēs Paulam terrēbunt. | The snakes will frighten Paula. | |
Proximō annō raedam habēbō. Raedam mihi erit. |
Next year I will have a car. | |
Proximō mēnse pecūniae egēbit. | He will need the money next month. | |
Proximō diē Solis cum proximīs cenābimus. | Next Sunday we will eat dinner with the neighbors. | |
Monēbisne rēgem hostēs venīre? | Will you warn the king that the enemies are coming? | An example of the accusative + infinitive construction, literally, “Will you warn the king the enemies to come?” |
editPractice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function) |
More future tense, including those 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs that have different endings, next time. Grātiās vōbīs agō et habēte bonam fortūnam!