Latin/Food Lesson 3

Salvēte omnēs! If you have been following along in these weekly, Duo-style (but unofficial) Latin lessons, you’ll be ready for some more food vocabulary this week. If you need to catch up and review, there are links you may find helpful on the right.

New Grammar


Although all our food nouns so far have been in the first 3 declensions, we have one this week that is in the 4th. It looks like a 2nd declension noun, but it’s not. We’ll wait a little before formally studying the 4th declension though.

New Vocabulary

1st declension nouns, all feminine
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
carōta, ae carrot
cervisia, ae beer
farīna, ae flour, meal
2nd declension nouns, both neuter
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
acētāria, ōrum (pl.) salad, greens dressed with vinegar
oleum, ī  oil
3rd declension nouns, gender noted
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
holus, holeris (n.) vegetable
pōtio, pōtiōnis (f.) a drink, beverage
sāl, salis (m.) salt
4th declension noun
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
frūctus, ūs (m.) fruit, produce
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
acidus, a, um sour
salsus, a, um salty, salted
vegetariānus, a, um vegetarian
1st conjugation verb
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
mandūcō (1) eat, devour, chew

New Sentences

Latin English Notes
Frūctum edimus. We eat fruit.
Acētāria manducas. You eat the salad.
Jūs est sālsum. The soup is salty.
Vīnum est acidum, non bonum. The wine is sour, not good.
Pōtiōnem cum amīcis meis sūmō. I take a drink with my friends.
Mārcus cervisiam bibit. Marcus drinks beer.
Frūctus est dulcis. The fruit is sweet.
Puer carōtam mandūcat. The boy eats a carrot.
Lūcia et Gāius carnem non edunt. Lucia and Gaius do not eat meat.
Lūcia est vegetariāna. Lucia is a vegetarian.
Holera cum sāle coquō. I cook the vegetables with salt.
Est farina in pāne. There is flour in the bread.
Piscem in oleo coquimus. We cook the fish in oil.
Holus in aquā coquit. She cooks the vegetable in water.
Sālem gustāmus. We taste the salt.
In iēntāculō frūctum et pānem cum ōleō sūmō. At breakfast I eat fruit and bread with oil.


Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
AI version You can try learning and writing the sentences using our AI Prompt
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

We hope you are enjoying the Latin lessons. There is one more lesson with food vocabulary.

Pax vōbīscum!