Latin/Corpus Humanum Lesson 1

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For many lessons, we have been working on Latin verbs: the three tenses of the present system (present, imperfect, future), and infinitives and imperatives. We’re still not done, and soon we’ll be diving back into verbs with the perfect tense. But we feel a break is in order. Let’s learn the names for the parts of the human body in Latin. It’s a fairly basic vocabulary-building lesson and we already know some of the words.


Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
capillus, i hair
digitus, i finger, toe
nāsus, i nose
oculus, i eye
bracchium, i (brachium) arm
auris, auris (f.) ear
pēs, pedis (m.) foot
caput, capitis (n.) head
corpus, corporis (n.) body
crūs, cruris (n.) leg (lower leg)
ōs, ōris (n.) mouth
manus, ūs (f.) hand, power
faciēs, faciei (f.) (also vultus, vultūs, m.) face, form, shape, appearance
doleō, dolēre, dolui, dolitus, 2 feel pain, hurt, suffer

New Sentences

Latin English Notes
Homō ūnum caput, duōs oculōs, duās manūs habet.
(Unum caput, duo oculī, duae manūs hominī sunt.)
A human has one head, two eyes, two hands.
In facie sunt duō oculī, ūnus nāsus, et ūnum ōs. On the face there are two eyes, one nose, and one mouth.  
In ūnā manū sunt quīnque digitī. On one hand there are five fingers.  
Nōlī aperīre ōs! Don’t open your mouth!
Nōnne oculōs in capite tuō habēs? Don’t you have eyes in your head?
Ex ōre tuō ad aurēs meās. From your mouth to my ears.
Aurēs tuae rubrae sunt. Your ears are red.
Crūs meum (mihi) dolet. My leg hurts.
Pēdēs mihi (meī) dolent. My feet hurt.
A capite doleō. (I feel pain from my head.) My head hurts./ I have a headache. n.b. All three of these ways of expressing pain are acceptable: My leg hurts, The leg is painful for me, I feel pain from/in my leg.
Doleō! (Mē paenitet.) I’m sorry!
Bracchia et crūra Lūciae longa sunt. Lucia’s arms and legs are long.
Gāius īnfantem in bracchiīs tenēbat. Gaius was holding the baby in his arms.
Per pedes ībimus. We will go on foot.  
Mūrus decem pedes altus est. The wall is ten feet high.
Puella capillōs flāvōs habet. The girl has blonde hair.
Ea est puella capillīs flāvīs. She is a blonde-haired girl/ a girl with blonde hair. The ablative of description does not need a preposition.
Mārcus est vir bracchiīs fortibus. Marcus is a man with strong arms/a strong-armed man.


Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

In proximā lēctiōne plūs partēs corporis humanī discēmus. Valēte!