Latin/Classified Vocabulary List

This list is classified by part of speech. Adding macrons for long vowels is a work-in-progress. Lack of a macron should not be assumed as evidence one is not needed.

First Declension Nouns

Case Sing Plural Use
First declension example: terra
Nominative terra terrae Subject
Genitive terrae terrarum of; possesive
Dative terrae terrīs to; indirect object
Accusative terram terrās object
Ablative terrā terrīs by / with; indirect object

First Declension Nouns: feminine unless otherwise noted
Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
agricola, ae (m.)
farmer Wiktionary
amita, ae aunt (father’s sister) Wiktionary
aqua, aquae water Wiktionary
arānea, ae
spider Wiktionary
arca, ae box, chest Wiktionary
autobirota, ae (motobirota, ae) motorcycle Wiktionary
avia, ae grandmother Wiktionary
bēstia, ae beast, wild animal Wiktionary
bibliothēca, ae library Wiktionary
birota, ae bicycle Wiktionary
brācae, ārum (pl.) trousers, breeches, pants Wiktionary
brācae linteae caeruleae blue jeans
brevissimae brācae shorts
būbula, ae beef Wiktionary
caepa, ae onion Wiktionary
cafēa, cafēae coffee Wiktionary
caliga, ae boot (worn by soldiers) Wiktionary
camera, ae room, chamber (traditionally, with an arched ceiling) Wiktionary
carōta, ae carrot Wiktionary
casa, ae cottage, small house Wiktionary
cathedra, ae chair, armchair, upholstered chair Wiktionary
caupōna, ae restaurant, inn, tavern (or the landlady who keeps it) Wiktionary
cella, ae room, storeroom Wiktionary
cēna, ae dinner Wiktionary
cerva, ae Roe (female) deer Wiktionary
cervīsia, ae beer Wiktionary
charta, ae
paper, sheet of paper Wiktionary
cista, ae (capsa, ae) box (we already know arca, ae, which usually refers to a chest or large box for storage) Wiktionary
cithara, ae guitar, lute, lyre Wiktionary
clāviatūra, ae (plēctrōlogium, ī) keyboard (of a computer, etc.) Wiktionary
cōnsobrīna, ae (female) cousin (on mother’s side) (strictly, mother’s sister’s child) Wiktionary
corōna, ae crown Wiktionary
culīna, ae kitchen Wiktionary
epistula, ae letter, epistle Wiktionary
faba, ae bean Wiktionary
fabrica, ae workshop, factory Wiktionary
familia, ae family Wiktionary
farīna, ae flour, meal Wiktionary
fenestra, ae window Wiktionary
fēmina, fēminae
woman Wiktionary
fīlia, ae
daughter Wiktionary
formīca, ae ant Wiktionary
fossa, ae ditch, trench Wiktionary
furca, ae fork Wiktionary
Gallia, ae
Gaul, or France depending on historical context Wiktionary
gemma, ae jewel, gem Wiktionary
grātiae, grātiārum (pl.) thanks Wiktionary
gunna, ae skirt Wiktionary
herba, ae
grass, herb Wiktionary
hōra, ae
hour, (time, season) Wiktionary
injūria, ae injury, injustice, wrong Wiktionary
īnsula, ae island, apartment building Wiktionary
Kalendae, Kalendārum (pl.) the Kalends, the first day of every month Wiktionary
lāna, ae
wool Wiktionary
lingua, ae
language (lingua Latina) Wiktionary
littera, ae
letter (of the alphabet) Wiktionary
litterae, ārum (plural) a letter or dispatch; literature Wiktionary
Lūcia, Lūciae Lucia, Lucy Wiktionary
magistra, ae
teacher (female) Wiktionary
mātertera, ae aunt (mother’s sister) Wiktionary
memoria, ae memory Wiktionary
mēnsa, ae
table Wiktionary
musca, ae fly Wiktionary
nauta, ae (m.)
sailor Wiktionary
Nōnae, Nōnārum (pl.) the Nones, the 7th day of March, May, July, October, and the 5th of all other months Wiktionary
novācula, ae razor Wiktionary
nūptiae, ārum wedding, marriage, nuptials (used in plural) Wiktionary
ōlla, ae pot, jar Wiktionary
orȳza, ae rice Wiktionary
palla, ae shawl, cloak (usually for women, worn outdoors) Wiktionary
patella, ae dish, plate Wiktionary
patina, ae a dish, serving dish (usually larger than a patella) Wiktionary
patria, ae
fatherland, native country Wiktionary
Paula, Paulae Paula Wiktionary
pecūnia, ae
money Wiktionary
pila, ae
ball Wiktionary
pīrāta, ae (m.)
pirate Wiktionary
poēta, ae (m.)
poet Wiktionary
porcīna, ae pork Wiktionary
prīma mēnsa the main course of a Roman dinner
puella, puellae
girl Wiktionary
pugna, ae fight, battle Wiktionary
raeda, ae (autocinetum, i) car Wiktionary
rēgīna, ae
queen Wiktionary
rosa, ae
rose Wiktionary
rota, ae
wheel Wiktionary
scālae, ārum (pl.) staircase, ladder Wiktionary
schola, ae school Wiktionary
secunda mēnsa dessert
sella, ae chair, stool Wiktionary
silva, ae
forest, woods (frequently used in the plural) Wiktionary
sīmia, ae monkey, ape Wiktionary
solea, ae sandal, slipper Wiktionary
stola, ae (woman’s) dress, robe Wiktionary
taberna, ae shop, storefront Wiktionary
tabula, ae
menu (also writing tablet, list, chart, placard, etc.) Wiktionary
tapeta, ae carpet, tapestry Wiktionary
terra, ae
land, earth Wiktionary
thea, theae tea Wiktionary
toga, ae
toga Wiktionary
tunica, ae
tunic, shirt (modern) Wiktionary
tunica mānicāta jacket, fitted coat (with long sleeves) Wiktionary
tunicula, ae t-shirt Wiktionary
ursa, ae bear Wiktionary
ūva, ae
grape, bunch of grapes Wiktionary
vacca, ae
cow Wiktionary
via, ae
road, way Wiktionary
vīlla, ae
house, farmhouse, country house Wiktionary
violīna, ae violin Wiktionary

Second Declension Nouns




– endings in -us or -r; amicus, amici, amico, amicum, amico | amici, amicorum, amicis, amicos, amicis

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
advocatus, i lawyer, advocate Wiktionary
ager, agri
field Wiktionary
amicus, i
friend Wiktionary
annus, i year Wiktionary
architectus, i m. (architecta, ae f.) master-builder, architect Wiktionary
autumnus, i autumn, fall Wiktionary
avunculus, i uncle (mother’s brother) Wiktionary
avus, i grandfather Wiktionary
calceus, i shoe, half-boot Wiktionary
cancer, cancri crab Wiktionary
capillus, i hair (sometimes used in plural) Wiktionary
caseus, i cheese Wiktionary
cattus, i
cat (not used as frequently as feles) Wiktionary
catillus, i (patella, ae) a small dish Wiktionary
cervus, i deer, stag Wiktionary
cibus, i
food Wiktionary
consobrinus, i (male) cousin (on mother’s side) (strictly, mother’s sister’s child) Wiktionary
coquus, i
cook Wiktionary
culter, cultri knife Wiktionary
cuniculus, i rabbit Wiktionary
delphinus, i
dolphin Wiktionary
digitus, i
finger, toe Wiktionary
discipulus, i
student Wiktionary
dominus, i
lord, master, owner Wiktionary
elephantus, i elephant Wiktionary
equus, i
horse Wiktionary
faber, fabri (artifex, artificis)(opifex, opificis)(operarius, i) builder, smith, carpenter, workman, craftsman Wiktionary
filius, i
son Wiktionary
focus, i fireplace, hearth, stove Wiktionary
furnus, i oven Wiktionary
Gaius, Gaii (Gai in some sources) Gaius, common Roman male first name Wiktionary
gladius, i
sword Wiktionary
hortus, i
garden Wiktionary
humus, i (f.) (loc. humi) ground, earth, soil Wiktionary
ingeniarius, i (also machinator, machinatoris) engineer Wiktionary
lectus, i bed, couch Wiktionary
liber, libri
book Wiktionary
liberi, liberorum (m. pl.) children Wiktionary
locus, loci (2nd decl. m. in singular, neuter in pl.)
place Wiktionary
ludus, i game, school Wiktionary
lupus, i wolf Wiktionary
magister, magistri
teacher, master (male) Wiktionary
Marcus, Marci
Marcus, common Roman male first name; Mark Wiktionary
maritus, i husband Wiktionary
medicus, i doctor Wiktionary
minister, ministri (ministra, ae f.) waiter, attendant, server Wiktionary
murus, i wall Wiktionary
nāsus, i
nose Wiktionary
numerus, i
number Wiktionary
nummus, i coin, unit of money Wiktionary
nuntius, i messenger, message, reporter, or in plural the news: nuntii latini Wiktionary
oculus, i
eye Wiktionary
patruus, i uncle (father’s brother) Wiktionary
petasus, i cap hat pilleus, i Wiktionary
populus, i
nation, a people (usually singular) Wiktionary
porcus, i
pig Wiktionary
proximus, i neighbor Wiktionary
puer, pueri
boy Wiktionary
pullus, i chicken Wiktionary
Romānus, i
a Roman (m.) Wiktionary
sacculus, i purse, money bag, small bag Wiktionary
scientificus, i (homo scientiae) scientist, man of science Wiktionary
servus, i
slave, servant Wiktionary
signifer, signiferi standard-bearer Wiktionary
sūcus, i juice Wiktionary
tabernarius, ii (caupona, ae)(cauponarius, ii) shopkeeper Wiktionary
talus, i ankle Wiktionary
taurus, i
bull Wiktionary
thesaurus, i treasure Wiktionary
umerus, i (humerus in late Latin) shoulder, upper arm Wiktionary
ursus, i
bear Wiktionary
vir, viri
man Wiktionary



– endings in –um; donum, doni, dono, donum, dono | dona, donorum, donis, dona, donis

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
acetaria, orum (pl.) salad, greens dressed with vinegar Wiktionary
aedificium, i building Wiktionary
aeroplanum, i (also aeronavis, is) airplane Wiktionary
ātrium, i
reception hall, living room, gathering room, great room Wiktionary
auxilium, i help, aid Wiktionary
balneum, i bath, bathroom Wiktionary
balneum pensile shower (literally “hanging bath”)
bellum, i
war Wiktionary
bracchium, i (brachium)
arm Wiktionary
caelum, i
sky, heaven Wiktionary
calendarium, i (kalendarium, i/ fasti, orum) calendar, account book (debts were payable on the Kalends or first day of every month; fasti refers to days when official business was conducted) Wiktionary
capitilavium, i shampoo Wiktionary
castra, castrorum (used in plural) camp Wiktionary
chocolatum, i chocolate Wiktionary
cingulum, i belt, girdle Wiktionary
clavichordum, i (clavile, is (n.)) piano (or other keyboard instrument) Wiktionary
collum, i (cervix, cervicis, m.) neck Wiktionary
computatrum, i (instrumentum computatorium) computer Wiktionary
consilium, i
plan, counsel, advice Wiktionary
crūstulum, i
cookie Wiktionary
cubiculum, i
bedroom, sleeping chamber Wiktionary
cubitum, i elbow Wiktionary
debitum, i debt Wiktionary
dentifricium, i toothpaste Wiktionary
diarium, diarii newspaper, journal Wiktionary
donum, i
gift Wiktionary
dulciolum, i candy, a sweet Wiktionary
forum, i forum, marketplace, public square, court Wiktionary
fragum, i strawberry Wiktionary
frigidarium, i refrigerator, cold room (of public baths) Wiktionary
frumentum, i grain (used in the plural to mean “crops”) Wiktionary
garum, i fish sauce (also known as liquamen, a popular condiment in ancient Rome) Wiktionary
horologium, i clock, watch Wiktionary
ientaculum, i breakfast Wiktionary
impluvium, i
rainwater pool (in atrium of traditional domus) Wiktionary
insectum, i insect Wiktionary
involucrum, i envelope, wrapping, cover Wiktionary
labellum, i basin, sink Wiktionary
linteum, i sheet (or any linen cloth, a sail, an awning or curtain) Wiktionary
linum, i linen, flax Wiktionary
maenianum, i balcony Wiktionary
malum, mali apple Wiktionary
matrimonium, i marriage, wedding Wiktionary
negotium, ii business, occupation (literally “no leisure”) Wiktionary
officium, i
office, service, duty Wiktionary
oleum, i oil Wiktionary
oppidum, i town Wiktionary
ostium, i (janua, ae) door, entrance Wiktionary
otium, ii
leisure, pleasure Wiktionary
ovum, i egg Wiktionary
pallium, i cloak, outer garment Wiktionary
paludamentum, i military cloak, commonly worn by generals Wiktionary
periculum, i
danger Wiktionary
pirum, i pear Wiktionary
pittacium, i stamp, label, ticket Wiktionary
poculum, i drinking cup, bowl Wiktionary
prandium, i lunch (late breakfast, brunch) Wiktionary
pretium, i price Wiktionary
proelium, i battle Wiktionary
regnum, i
kingdom Wiktionary
responsum, i answer Wiktionary
saccharum, sacchari sugar Wiktionary
sagum, i short cloak, commonly worn by soldiers Wiktionary
scrinium, i desk Wiktionary
signum, i sign, standard Wiktionary
speculum, i mirror Wiktionary
solum, i floor, foundation, soil, ground, bottom Wiktionary
subligaculum, i underwear, underpants, loincloth Wiktionary
tablinum, i
office, study Wiktionary
tectum, i roof, ceiling Wiktionary
telephonum, i telephone Wiktionary
televisorium, i television set Wiktionary
tergum, i back Wiktionary
thermopolium, i take-out restaurant, cafe, deli counter, fast food place Wiktionary
triclinium, i
dining room Wiktionary
vallum, i wall, rampart, palisade wall Wiktionary
vehiculum, i vehicle Wiktionary
ventilatrum, i fan Wiktionary
verbum, i
word Wiktionary
vestimentum, i garment, article of clothing, clothes (in pl.) Wiktionary
vexillum, i flag Wiktionary
vinum, i
wine Wiktionary
vivarium, i
zoo, animal habitat, game preserve Wiktionary

Third Declension Nouns


Masculine / feminine


declined regularly (lex, legis, legi, legem, lege| leges, legum, legibus, leges, legibus)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
aestas, aestatis (f.) summer Wiktionary
amanuensis, amanuensis (c.) secretary, clerk Wiktionary
anas, anatis (f.) duck Wiktionary
auctor, auctoris (m.) author, inventor, creator, cause Wiktionary
auris, auris (f.) ear Wiktionary
bellator, bellatoris (m.) warrior Wiktionary
bos, bovis (c.)
ox, bull, cow Wiktionary
bubo, bubonis (m.) owl Wiktionary
calix, calicis (m) chalice, wine cup Wiktionary
canis, canis (c.) dog Wiktionary
caro, carnis (f.) meat, flesh Wiktionary
civitas, civitatis (f.) state, citizenship, community, city Wiktionary
color, coloris (m.) color Wiktionary
conjunx, conjugis (c.) spouse, bride, consort (pl. conjuges a married couple) Wiktionary
custos, custodis (m.) guard Wiktionary
doctor, doctoris (m.) teacher, learned man, scientist, one with an advanced degree Wiktionary
dolor, doloris (m.) pain, sorrow Wiktionary
dux, ducis (m.) general, leader Wiktionary
feles, felis (f.)
cat Wiktionary
frater, fratris (m.) brother Wiktionary
gustatio, gustationis (f.) appetizer Wiktionary
hebdomas, hebdomadis (f.) (sabbatum, i/sabbata, orum/septimana, ae) week, seven days (septimana is closest to modern Romance languages, but is only found in Late Latin.) Wiktionary
hiems, hiemis (f.) winter homo, hominis (m.) man, human Wiktionary
imperator, imperatoris (m.) commander-in-chief, general, emperor, ruler (outranks dux) Wiktionary
infans, infantis (c.) baby, infant Wiktionary
judex, judicis (iudex, iudicis) (m.) judge Wiktionary
Klingon, Klingonis (c.) a Klingon Wiktionary
labor, laboris, (m.) work, effort, toil Wiktionary
leo, leonis (m.)
lion Wiktionary
lepus, leporis (m.)
rabbit, hare Wiktionary
lex, legis (f.) law Wiktionary
libertas, libertatis (f.) liberty, freedom Wiktionary
lodix, lodicis (f.) blanket, bedspread Wiktionary
lux, lucis (f.) light Wiktionary
māter, matris (f.)
mother Wiktionary
mercātor, mercatoris (m.) (negotiator, negotiatoris (m.))
merchant, trader, businessman Wiktionary
miles, militis (m.) soldier Wiktionary
mulier, mulieris (f.) woman (femina is also used) Wiktionary
mus, muris (c.) mouse, rat Wiktionary
nemo, neminis (c.)
no one, nobody Wiktionary
nepos, nepotis (m. or common in plural) grandson, grandchild, nephew, descendant Wiktionary
neptis, neptis (f.) granddaughter Wiktionary
nux, nucis (f.) nut Wiktionary
ovis, ovis (c.) sheep Wiktionary
pānis, panis (m.)
bread Wiktionary
papilio, papilionis (m.) butterfly, moth Wiktionary
parens, parentis (c.) parent Wiktionary
pater, patris (m.)
father Wiktionary
patruelis, patruelis (c.) cousin on father’s side (strictly, child of father’s brother) Wiktionary
pax, pacis (f.) peace Wiktionary
pes, pedis (m.)
foot Wiktionary
piscator, piscatoris (m.) fisherman Wiktionary
piscis, piscis (m.)
fish Wiktionary
pollex, pollicis (m.) thumb (big toe) Wiktionary
potio, potionis (f.) a drink, beverage Wiktionary
praeses, praesidis (also praesidens, praesidentis) president Wiktionary
princeps, principis (m.) chief, leading man, boss Wiktionary
procurator, procuratoris (m.)(praepositus, i) manager, supervisor, boss Wiktionary
quaestio, quaestionis (f.) question, investigation Wiktionary
rex, regis (m.)
king Wiktionary
(inter)rogatio, rogationis (f.) question, inquiry, bill Wiktionary
sal, salis (m.) salt Wiktionary
sanguis, sanguinis (m.)
blood, family Wiktionary
sapo, saponis (m.) soap Wiktionary
scriptor, scriptoris (m.) writer, scribe Wiktionary
sedes, sedis (f.) chair, seat, residence Wiktionary
societas, societatis (f.) company, (business) organization Wiktionary
sol, solis, (m.)
sun Wiktionary
soror, sororis (f.) sister Wiktionary
supellex, supellectilis (f.) (used in the singular) furniture, household furnishings Wiktionary
televisio, televisionis (f.) television Wiktionary
testudo, testudinis (f.) tortoise, turtle (also a defensive military formation) Wiktionary
tigris, tigris/ tigridis
tiger Wiktionary
timor, timoris (m.) fear Wiktionary
tonsor, tonsoris (m.) barber Wiktionary
universitas, universitatis, f. (universitas magistrorum et scholarium) university (community of teachers and scholars) Wiktionary
uxor, uxoris (f.) wife Wiktionary
vesper, vesperis (also vesper, vesperi) (m.) evening Wiktionary
vestis, vestis (f.) clothing, clothes, robe, garment Wiktionary
veritas, veritatis (f.) truth Wiktionary
virtus, virtutis (f.) courage, virtue, manliness Wiktionary
vox, vocis (f.)
voice, cry Wiktionary



declined regularly (flumen, fluminis, flumini, flumen, flumine| flumina, fluminum, fluminibus, flumina, fluminibus)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
apis, apis, apium (f.) bee Wiktionary
avis, avis, avium (f.) bird Wiktionary
civis, civis, civium (c.) citizen Wiktionary
clavis, clavis, clavium (f.) key Wiktionary
collis, collis, collium (m.) hill Wiktionary
dens, dentis, dentium (m.) tooth, tusk Wiktionary
finis, finis, finium (f. in s., m. in pl.) s. end, limit, boundary, death; pl. territory, country Wiktionary
frons, frontis, frontium (f.) forehead, brow, front Wiktionary
gens, gentis, gentium (f.) tribe, nation, clan Wiktionary
hostis, hostis, hostium (c.) enemy Wiktionary
ignis, ignis, ignium (m.) fire Wiktionary
mensis, mensis, mensium (m.) month Wiktionary
mons, montis, montium (m.) mountain Wiktionary
mors, mortis, mortium (f.) death Wiktionary
nox, noctis, noctium (f.) night Wiktionary
pars, partis, partium (f.) part, piece Wiktionary
pons, pontis, pontium (m.) bridge Wiktionary
serpens, serpentis, serpentium (c.) snake Wiktionary
urbs, urbis, urbium (f.) city Wiktionary
vigil, vigilis, vigilium (m.) (+publicus) policeman Wiktionary

Masculine / feminine


m/f, with i-stem in gen. pl. (pars, partis, parti, partem, parte| partes, partium, partibus, partes, partibus)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
animal, animalis, animalium (n.) animal Wiktionary
cervical, cervicalis, cervicalium (n.) (pulvinus, i) pillow, cushion Wiktionary
cocleare, coclearis (n.) spoon, spoonful, snail shell Wiktionary
cor, cordis (cordium, but corda nom. and acc. pl.) (n.) heart Wiktionary
mantele, mantelis, mantelium (n.) towel, hand-towel Wiktionary
mare, maris, marium (n.) sea Wiktionary
mel, mellis (n.) honey Wiktionary
ocularia (n. pl.) (vitra ocularia, pl.) glasses (n.b. this is a 3rd declension plural neuter adjective, used as a noun) Wiktionary
os, ossis, ossium (n.) bone Wiktionary
tibiale, tibialis, tibialium (n.) sock Wiktionary

neuter, with i-stem


in abl. s., nom., gen., and acc. pl (mare, maris, mari, mare, mari | maria, marium, maribus, maria, maribus

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
neuter with i-stem Wiktionary
animal, animalis, animalium (n.) animal Wiktionary
cervical, cervicalis, cervicalium (n.) (pulvinus, i) pillow, cushion Wiktionary
cocleare, coclearis (n.) spoon, spoonful, snail shell Wiktionary
cor, cordis (cordium, but corda nom. and acc. pl.) (n.) heart Wiktionary
mantele, mantelis, mantelium (n.) towel, hand-towel Wiktionary
mare, maris, marium (n.) sea Wiktionary
mel, mellis (n.) honey Wiktionary
ocularia (n. pl.) (vitra ocularia, pl.) glasses (n.b. this is a 3rd declension plural neuter adjective, used as a noun) Wiktionary
os, ossis, ossium (n.) bone Wiktionary
tibiale, tibialis, tibialium (n.) sock Wiktionary

4th Declension Nouns


masculine unless otherwise noted (portus, portūs, portuī, portum portū | portūs, portuum, portibus, portūs, portibus)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
adventus, us arrival, approach, coming Wiktionary
domus, us (f.) (abl. domo, loc. domi) house, home Wiktionary
exercitus, us army Wiktionary
fructus, us fruit, produce Wiktionary
gradus, us step, degree, position, rung of a ladder Wiktionary
gustus, us taste Wiktionary
genu, genus (n.) knee Wiktionary
habitus, us condition, appearance; suit of clothes Wiktionary
Idus, Iduum (f.)(pl.) the Ides, the 15th day of March, May, July, October, and the 13th of all other months Wiktionary
impetus, us attack Wiktionary
manus, us (f.) hand, power Wiktionary
objectus, us (m.)(obiectus) obstacle, object (for object, res, rei / corpus, corporis may also be used) Wiktionary
odoratus, us smell, sense of smell Wiktionary
portus, us harbor, port Wiktionary
reditus, us return, returning, income, rent Wiktionary
sensus, us sense Wiktionary
sinus, us (originally, the fold of a toga used to store valuables), pocket Wiktionary
spiritus, us spirit, breath Wiktionary
tactus, us touch, sense of touch Wiktionary
vestitus, us clothing Wiktionary
visus, us sight, vision, seeing Wiktionary

5th Declension Nouns


feminine unless otherwise noted (res, rei, rei, rem, re | res, rerum, rebus, res, rebus)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
acies, aciei sharp edge, battle line Wiktionary
dies, diei (m.) day (n.b. masculine, but when referring to a specific date it may be feminine, e.g. “tertiā die” on the third day) Wiktionary
dies hebdomadis the days of the week Wiktionary
dies Solis Sunday Wiktionary
dies Lunae Monday Wiktionary
dies Martis Tuesday Wiktionary
dies Mercurii Wednesday Wiktionary
dies Iovis Thursday Wiktionary
dies Veneris Friday Wiktionary
dies Saturnis Saturday Wiktionary
facies, faciei face, form, shape Wiktionary
fides, fidei faith, trust, loyalty Wiktionary
meridies, meridiei (m.) midday, noon Wiktionary
res, rei thing, matter, affair, subject Wiktionary
spes, spei hope Wiktionary

Adjectives (1st/2nd Declension)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
acidus, a, um sour Wiktionary
albus, a, um white (dead white, not shining) Wiktionary
alius, alia, aliud (adj.) other, another (of more than two) Wiktionary
almus, a, um nurturing, nourishing, kind Wiktionary
alter, altera, alterum (adj.) the one, the other (of two) Wiktionary
altus, a, um high, tall, deep Wiktionary
antiquus, a, um ancient, old Wiktionary
ater, atra, atrum black (like a coal, not glossy); dark, gloomy Wiktionary
aurantius, a, um orange (not often used in classical Latin) Wiktionary
aureus, a, um golden, gold Wiktionary
beātus, a, um blessed, happy (compare felix, laetus) Wiktionary
benignus, a, um kind Wiktionary
bonus, a, um good Wiktionary
caeruleus, a, um blue Wiktionary
calidus, a, um hot, warm Wiktionary
candidus, a, um white (shining, dazzling) Wiktionary
canus, a, um gray, gray-haired Wiktionary
certus, a, um certain, sure, determined (certiorem facio inform, lit. “make more certain”) Wiktionary
chartaceus, a, um made of paper Wiktionary
dexter, dextera, dexterum (dexter, dextra, dextrum) right, on the right Wiktionary
dubius, a, um doubtful (comparison uses the adverbs magis, maxime) Wiktionary
durus, a, um hard, harsh, unrefined Wiktionary
flavus, a, um yellow, blond/e-haired Wiktionary
frigidus, a, um cold, cool Wiktionary
fuscus, a, um brown Wiktionary
honestus, a, um respectable, upright, honest Wiktionary
laetus, a, um happy, glad, joyful Wiktionary
laneus, a, um woolen, made of wool Wiktionary
latus, a, um wide Wiktionary
liber, libera, liberum free Wiktionary
linteus, a, um made of linen Wiktionary
longus, a, um long Wiktionary
luteus, a, um yellow Wiktionary
magnus, a, um large, great Wiktionary
malus, a, um bad Wiktionary
manicatus, a, um with long sleeves, long-sleeved Wiktionary
medius, a, um middle, midst Wiktionary
meus, a, um my, mine Wiktionary
miser, misera, miserum wretched, poor Wiktionary
multus, a, um much, many Wiktionary
negotiosus, a, um busy, full of business Wiktionary
niger, -gra, -grum black (glossy); dark Wiktionary
nonnulli, ae, a a few, some (lit. “not none”) Wiktionary
noster, nostra, nostrum our, ours Wiktionary
novus, a, um new Wiktionary
nūllus, a, um no, none Wiktionary
parvus, a, um small Wiktionary
pauci, ae, a few Wiktionary
plenus, a, um full (w. gen. or abl.) Wiktionary
praeteritus, a, um past, bygone, last Wiktionary
primus, a, um first, the first Wiktionary
proximus, a, um nearest, next, most recent, latest Wiktionary
publicus, a, um public, belonging to the people/state Wiktionary
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, handsome Wiktionary
purpureus, a, um purple Wiktionary
quantus, a, um how great, how large, how much, how many (quanti is usually used with consto) Wiktionary
rectus, a, um honest, right, proper, straight Wiktionary
Romanus, a, um Roman Wiktionary
roseus, a, um pink, rose Wiktionary
ruber, rubra, rubrum red Wiktionary
rufus, a, um ruddy, red-haired Wiktionary
salsus, a, um salty, salted Wiktionary
scorteus, a, um made of leather Wiktionary
secundus, a, um second (of a series of more than two), following, favorable, successful Wiktionary
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum left, on the left Wiktionary
solus, a, um alone, only (gen. s. “solius”, dat. s. “soli”) Wiktionary
suus, a, um his (own), her/hers, its, their/theirs (reflexive possessive adjective) Wiktionary
tardus, a, um slow Wiktionary
tertius, a, um third Wiktionary
totus, a, um whole, all of (gen. s. “totius,” dat. s. “toti”) Wiktionary
tutus, a, um safe Wiktionary
tuus, a, um your, yours (of one person) Wiktionary
universus, a, um all together, all in one, whole, universal Wiktionary
unus, a, um one (in s. only; gen. unius, dat. uni) Wiktionary
vegetarianus, a, um vegetarian Wiktionary
verus, a, um true, real Wiktionary
vester, vestra, vestrum your, yours (of more than one person) Wiktionary

Adjectives (3rd declension)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
Adjectives (3rd declension) Adjectives (3rd declension) Wiktionary
acer, acris, acre sharp, keen, bitter (superlative in –rimus) Wiktionary
australis, e (also meridionalis, e or meridianus, a, um) southern, of the south (from auster, the south wind, and meridies, midday or noon) Wiktionary
brevis, e short Wiktionary
celer, celeris, celere quick, fast, swift Wiktionary
difficilis, e difficult Wiktionary
diligens, diligentis careful, diligent Wiktionary
dulcis, e sweet Wiktionary
esuriens, esurientis hungry, starving Wiktionary
facilis, e easy Wiktionary
felix, felicis (one form in nom. s.) happy, lucky, fortunate Wiktionary
fortis, e strong, brave Wiktionary
gravis, e heavy, serious, severe Wiktionary
juvenis, e young Wiktionary
levis, e light (in weight), of little importance Wiktionary
mollis, e gentle, soft, pleasant Wiktionary
occidentalis, e western, of the west (from occidens, or occasus, the falling or setting of the sun) Wiktionary
omnis, e every, all Wiktionary
orientalis, e eastern, of the east (from oriens, referring to the rising of the sun) Wiktionary
senex, senis (one form in nom. s.) old, aged; an old man or woman septentrionalis, e (also borealis, e) northern, of the north (from the seven stars, septentrio, the big or little dipper, or boreas, the north wind) Wiktionary
similis, e like, similar (used with gen. or dat. case to complete the meaning) Wiktionary
sitiens, sitientis thirsty Wiktionary
tristis, e sad Wiktionary
viridis, e green Wiktionary
uniformis, e uniform, having one shape Wiktionary

Irregular and Special Adjective Comparisons


(model of regular comparison: altus, a, um/ altior, altius/ altissimus, a, um)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
Irregular and Special Adjective Comparisons Irregular and Special Adjective Comparisons Wiktionary
(model of regular comparison: altus, a, um/ altior, altius/ altissimus, a, um) Wiktionary
difficilis, e/ difficilior, difficilius/ dificillimus, a, um difficult, more difficult, most difficult Wiktionary
facilis, e/ facilior, facilius/ facillimus, a, um easy, easier, easiest Wiktionary
(other adjectives like similis, dissimilis, humilis, gracilis, also form their superlatives with –limus) Wiktionary
dubius, a, um/ magis dubius, a, um/ maxime dubius, a, um doubtful, more doubtful, most doubtful Wiktionary
miser, misera, miserum/ miserior, miserius/ miserrimus, a, um wretched/ more wretched/ most wretched Wiktionary
(other adjectives ending in –er in the nom. s. m also form their superlatives by adding –rimus; acer/acrior/acerrimus, pulcher/pulchrior/pulcherrimus, celer/celerior/celerrimus – comparatives are formed regularly) Wiktionary
bonus, a, um/ melior, melius/ optimus, a, um good, better, best Wiktionary
juvenis, e/ junior, junius/ juvenissimus, a, um young, younger, youngest Wiktionary
magnus, a, um/ major, majus (maior, maius)/ maximus, a, um big (great), bigger, biggest Wiktionary
malus, a, um/ pejor, pejus (peior, peius)/ pessimus, a, um bad, worse, worst Wiktionary
multus, a, um/ plus (neuter noun)/ plurimus, a, um much/ more/ most Wiktionary
multi, ae, a/ plures, plura/ plurimi, ae, a many/ more/ very many Wiktionary
parvus, a, um/ minor, minus/ minimus, a, um small, smaller, smallest Wiktionary
(the following have comparative and superlative forms, but the positive form is not used) Wiktionary
exterior outer/ extremus outermost Wiktionary
inferior lower/ imus or infimus lowest Wiktionary
interior inner/ intimus innermost Wiktionary
posterior later/ postremus last Wiktionary
prior former/ primus first Wiktionary
superior higher/ supremus or summus highest Wiktionary
ulterior farther/ ultimus farthest Wiktionary

Other Adjectives

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
aliquot (indecl.) a number, some, a few Wiktionary
ambo, ambae, ambo both Wiktionary
qui, quae, quod (interrogative adj.) which, what Wiktionary
quidam, quaedam, quoddam a certain one, a certain thing Wiktionary
quot, (indeclinable) how many? Wiktionary


Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
I. ūnus, una, unum
one Wiktionary
II. duo, duae, duo
two Wiktionary
III. tres, tria
three Wiktionary
IV. quattuor
four Wiktionary
V. quinque
five Wiktionary
VI. sex
six Wiktionary
VII. septem
seven Wiktionary
VIII. octo
eight Wiktionary
IX. novem
nine Wiktionary
X. decem
ten Wiktionary
XI. undecim eleven Wiktionary
XII. duodecim twelve Wiktionary
XIII. tredecim thirteen Wiktionary
XIV. quattuordecim fourteen Wiktionary
XV. quindecim fifteen Wiktionary
XVI. sedecim sixteen Wiktionary
XVII. septendecim seventeen Wiktionary
XVIII. duodeviginti
eighteen Wiktionary
XIX. undeviginti
nineteen Wiktionary
XX. viginti
twenty Wiktionary
C. centum
one hundred Wiktionary
M. mille
one thousand (n.b. in the plural milia, a neuter noun meaning “thousands”, often used with genitive)(used with passus, us a pace; mille passus a mile, milia passuum thousands of paces or miles) Wiktionary

Pronouns (given in 1st-2nd-3rd person order)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
Pronouns Pronouns Wiktionary
ego, mei I Wiktionary
nos, nostri we Wiktionary
tu, tui you (s.) Wiktionary
vos, vestri you (pl.) Wiktionary
is, ea, id he, she, it Wiktionary
ei, eae, ea they Wiktionary
--, sui himself, herself, itself, themselves Wiktionary
hic, haec, hoc this (these) Wiktionary
ille, illa, illud that (those) Wiktionary
aliquis, aliquid (indef. pronoun) someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything quid (interrogative pronoun) what? Wiktionary
quis (interrogative pronoun) who? Wiktionary
quisquis, quidquid (indef. pron.) whoever, whatever, everyone who, everything which Wiktionary
(unus)quisque, (una)quaeque, (unum)quodque each one, every one Wiktionary
uterque, utraque, utrumque each, either, both (of two) Wiktionary


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Prepositions with accusative
to, near, toward, at Wiktionary
ante before, in front of Wiktionary
circum around Wiktionary
contra against Wiktionary
into, onto, against Wiktionary
inter between, among Wiktionary
intra within, inside of Wiktionary
per through Wiktionary
after, behind Wiktionary
on account of, because of Wiktionary
sub under, underneath (with verbs of motion) Wiktionary
super over, above, on top of (sometimes with abl.) Wiktionary
trans across Wiktionary
Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
Prepositions with ablative
ab/ a
away from, from, by (expressing agency) Wiktionary
with (expressing accompaniment) Wiktionary
concerning, about, from, down from Wiktionary
out of, from Wiktionary
in, on Wiktionary
pro on behalf of, for, before, in front of, in place of Wiktionary
sine without Wiktionary
sub under, beneath, underneath, below Wiktionary

Verbs (1st Conjugation)


Regular pattern of 4 principal parts endings: o, are, avi, atus

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
adjuvō (adiuvō), adjuvāre, adjūvī, adjūtus also juvō (iuvō) 1 help, assist Wiktionary
ambulo, 1 walk Wiktionary
amo, 1 love, like, am fond of Wiktionary
canto, 1 sing Wiktionary
ceno, 1 dine, eat dinner Wiktionary
clamo, 1 shout, cry, proclaim Wiktionary
cogito, 1 think, consider Wiktionary
consto, constāre, constiti, constatus (1) stand together, agree, stand firm, endure, be certain; cost (with abl. or gen.) Wiktionary
desidero, 1 want, desire, long for Wiktionary
do, dare, dedi, datus give Wiktionary
exspecto, 1 wait, wait for Wiktionary
gusto, 1 taste, enjoy Wiktionary
habito, 1 live, inhabit Wiktionary
laboro, 1 work, labor Wiktionary
laudo, 1 praise Wiktionary
lavo, 1 wash, clean Wiktionary
manduco, 1 chew, eat, devour Wiktionary
nato, 1 swim Wiktionary
navigo, 1 sail Wiktionary
paro, 1 prepare (for) Wiktionary
pernocto, 1 spend the night, stay all night long Wiktionary
porto, 1 carry Wiktionary
pugno, 1 (intr.) fight Wiktionary
rogo, 1 ask, request Wiktionary
seco, secare, secui, sectus, 1 cut, divide Wiktionary
servo, 1 protect, keep, preserve, watch over Wiktionary
specto, 1 watch, look at Wiktionary
spero, 1 hope, expect Wiktionary
sto, stare, steti, status, 1 stand Wiktionary
veto, vetare, vetui, vetitus, 1 forbid, prevent, reject, not allow Wiktionary
voco, 1 call Wiktionary
volo, 1 fly Wiktionary
vulnero, 1 wound, hurt, injure Wiktionary

1st Conjugation Deponent Verbs

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
conor, conari, conatus sum, 1 try Wiktionary
recordor, recordari, recordatus sum, 1 call to mind, remember Wiktionary

Verbs (2nd Conjugation)


(principal parts like moneo, monēre, monui, monitus unless otherwise noted)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
compleo, complēre, complevi, completus, 2 (w. abl.) fill, fill up Wiktionary
debeo, 2 (w. inf.) owe, ought, must, should Wiktionary
doceo, docēre, docui, doctus, 2 teach, inform Wiktionary
doleo, dolēre, dolui, dolitus, 2 feel pain, hurt, suffer Wiktionary
egeo, egēre, egui, 2 (w. abl. or gen.) need, am in need of Wiktionary
ferveo, fervēre, ferbui, 2 (intr.) boil Wiktionary
fleo, flēre, flevi, fletus, 2 cry, weep Wiktionary
habeo, 2 have Wiktionary
jaceo (iaceo), jacēre, jacui, jacitum, intr. 2 lie, lie down, lie dead Wiktionary
jubeo (iubeo), jubēre, jussi, jussus, 2 order, command Wiktionary
licet, licēre, licuit, 2 (impersonal, w. dat. and inf.) it is permitted, it is allowed Wiktionary
maneo, manēre, mansi, mansurus, 2 remain, stay Wiktionary
moneo, 2 warn, advise Wiktionary
moveo, movēre, movi, motus, 2 move Wiktionary
oportet, oportēre, oportuit, 2 (impersonal, w. acc. + inf.) it behooves, it is necessary, it is right, must, ought Wiktionary
placeo, placēre, placui, placitus, 2 (w. dat.) please, be pleasing to Wiktionary
praesideo, praesidēre, praesidi, 2 sit in front of, preside over, protect Wiktionary
respondeo, respondēre, respondi, responsus, 2 answer, respond Wiktionary
retineo, retinēre, retinui, retentus, 2 hold back, keep, restrain Wiktionary
rideo, ridēre, risi, risus, 2 laugh Wiktionary
sedeo, sedēre, sedi, sessus, 2 sit Wiktionary
subrideo, subridēre, subrisi, subrisus, 2 smile Wiktionary
teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus, 2 hold, keep (memoriā teneo hold in memory, remember) Wiktionary
terreo, 2 frighten, terrify Wiktionary
timeo, timēre, timui, 2 fear Wiktionary
valeo, valēre, valui, valiturus, 2 am strong, am well Wiktionary
video, vidēre, vidi, visus, 2 see Wiktionary

Verbs (3rd Conjugation)


(infinitive ends in –ere; no regular pattern of principal parts)

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus, 3 turn on, kindle a light/lamp Wiktionary
ago, agere, egi, actus, 3 do, act, drive, give Wiktionary
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus, 3 lose, send away Wiktionary
bibo, bibere, bibi, (bibus/bibitum), 3 drink Wiktionary
cado, cadere, cecidi, casurus, 3 fall Wiktionary
cano, canere, cecini, cantus, 3 make music, play an instrument, sing (used with ablative) Wiktionary
capio, capere, cepi, captus, 3 (i-stem) take, catch, capture Wiktionary
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus,3 (used in perfect tense) learn, recognize, know colo, colere, colui, cultus, 3 till, cultivate, grow (as a crop), tend Wiktionary
condo, condere, condidi, conditus, 3 build, found, establish Wiktionary
coquo, coquere, coxi, coctus, 3 cook Wiktionary
credo, credere, credidi, creditus, 3 believe, trust, entrust Wiktionary
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum, 3 grow, increase Wiktionary
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus, 3 run, hurry Wiktionary
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus, 3 say, tell Wiktionary
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus (3) love, value, care for Wiktionary
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissus, 3 send away, dismiss, release Wiktionary
disco, discere, didici, discitus, 3 learn, acquire knowledge/skill of/in Wiktionary
edo, edere, edi, esum, 3 eat (some irregular and alternate forms) Wiktionary
emo, emere, emi, emptus, 3 buy, gain Wiktionary
facio, facere, feci, factus, 3 (i-stem) make, do Wiktionary
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus, 3 break, shatter Wiktionary
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus, 3 (i-stem) flee, fly, run away Wiktionary
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus (3) have on, wear (clothing) (also, carry, carry on, wage (war)) Wiktionary
induo, induere, indui, indutus, 3 put on (clothing), dress in Wiktionary
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus, 3 set fire to, kindle, burn, make angry Wiktionary
incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptus, 3 (i-stem) begin, undertake Wiktionary
jacio (iacio), jacere, jeci, jactus, 3 (i-stem) throw, cast, hurl Wiktionary
lego, legere, legi, lectus, 3 read (gather, collect) Wiktionary
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus, 3 play Wiktionary
mitto, mittere, misi, missus, 3 send, send off Wiktionary
nosco, noscere, novi, notus, 3 (used in perfect tense) become acquainted with, know Wiktionary
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptus, 3 marry, take as husband Wiktionary
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus, 3 (also interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus, 3) kill Wiktionary
peto, petere, petivi, petitus, 3 seek, beg, order, ask for, aim for Wiktionary
pono, ponere, posui, positus, 3 put, place, set, put down Wiktionary
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus, 3 ask, seek Wiktionary
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus, 3 give back, restore, render Wiktionary
rego, regere, rexi, rectus, 3 direct, keep straight, rule, govern Wiktionary
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus, 3 leave, leave behind, abandon Wiktionary
sapio, sapere, sapivi, 3 taste of, have sense, understand Wiktionary
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus, 3 write Wiktionary
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus, 3 loose, release, pay (off) Wiktionary
(con)sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus, 3 take, consume (e.g., a meal) Wiktionary
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus, 3 stand up, get up Wiktionary
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus, 3 raise up, lift, take away Wiktionary
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus, 3 hand over, deliver Wiktionary
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditus, 3 sell Wiktionary
vinco, vincere, vici, victus, 3 conquer, win Wiktionary
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus, 3 live Wiktionary
Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
3rd Conjugation Deponent Verbs
loquor, loqui, locutus sum, 3 speak Wiktionary
morior, mori, mortuus sum, 3 (i-stem) die, pass away Wiktionary
nascor, nasci, natus sum, 3 am born Wiktionary
obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum, 3 forget (used with gen. of persons, gen. or acc. of things, acc. with neuter pronouns or adjectives) Wiktionary
patior, pati, passus sum, 3 (i-stem) allow, suffer, permit Wiktionary
sequor, sequi, secutus sum, 3 follow, come after Wiktionary
utor, uti, usus sum, 3 (w. abl.) use, employ, profit from/by Wiktionary

Verbs (4th Conjugation)

  • (Principal parts like audio, audire, audivi, auditus unless otherwise noted)
Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus, 4 open Wiktionary
audio, 4
hear Wiktionary
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventus, 4 assemble, come together Wiktionary
dormio, 4
sleep Wiktionary
esurio, 4 be hungry, hunger Wiktionary
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus, 4 find, come upon Wiktionary
munio, 4 fortify, construct, strengthen Wiktionary
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus, 4 (negative form of scio) do not know, am ignorant Wiktionary
pervenio, pervenire, perveni, perventus, 4 arrive, reach Wiktionary
scio, 4 know Wiktionary
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi (ii), sepultus, 4 bury, inter Wiktionary
sitio, sitire, sitivi, --, 4 be thirsty, thirst Wiktionary
venio, venire, veni, ventus, 4
come Wiktionary
Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
4th Conjugation Deponent Verbs
orior, oriri, ortus sum, 4 rise, arise, descend from Wiktionary

Verbs, Irregular

Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
Irregular Verbs
abeo, abire, abii (abivi), abitum go away, leave, depart Wiktionary
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus am away, am distant Wiktionary
adfero/affero, adferre, attuli, allatus bring to, deliver, carry Wiktionary
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus am here, am present Wiktionary
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus take away desum, deesse, defui, defuturus, irreg. (frequently used w. dat.) fail, be without, be missing Wiktionary
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itum go Wiktionary
exeo, exire, exii (exivi), exitum go out, exit Wiktionary
fero, ferre, tuli, latus bear, bring, carry Wiktionary
fio, fieri, factus sum become, be made, be done, happen (this is the irregular passive voice of facio (3) make, do) Wiktionary
ineo, inire, inii (inivi), initus, irreg. go in, enter, begin Wiktionary
malo, malle, malui (irreg.) (magis + volo) prefer, wish/want more/instead Wiktionary
memini, meminisse remember (used with gen. of persons, gen. or acc. of things, acc. with neuter pronouns or adjectives) Wiktionary
nolo, nolle, nolui (irreg.) am unwilling, do not want Wiktionary
odi, odisse (only perfect forms used) hate Wiktionary
possum, posse, potui (normally used with infinitive) am able, can Wiktionary
redeo, redire, redivi, reditus (irreg.) return, go back Wiktionary
sum, esse, fui, futurus I am Wiktionary
transeo, transire, transivi/transii, transitus go across, go over, cross, pass Wiktionary
volo, velle, volui am willing, wish for, want Wiktionary


Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
acriter sharply, bitterly Wiktionary
Anglice in English Wiktionary
bene well Wiktionary
celeriter quickly, swiftly, fast Wiktionary
cotidie daily, every day Wiktionary
cras tomorrow Wiktionary
cur why Wiktionary
diu for a long time Wiktionary
facile easily Wiktionary
foris outside, outdoors Wiktionary
fortiter strongly, bravely Wiktionary
heri yesterday Wiktionary
hic here Wiktionary
hodie today, on this day Wiktionary
ibi (also eo, illic, illuc) there Wiktionary
inde from there, from then Wiktionary
intus (intro) inside, indoors, in the house Wiktionary
ita so, thus Wiktionary
iterum again, for the second time Wiktionary
jam/iam already, now Wiktionary
late widely Wiktionary
Latine, adv. in Latin Wiktionary
longe far, by far Wiktionary
male badly Wiktionary
mane morning, in the morning Wiktionary
mox soon Wiktionary
multum much, very much, greatly, very, frequently, “a lot” (n.b. can also be used as a neuter noun, with the genitive) Wiktionary
-ne (enclitic/particle) question mark / turns a statement into a question Wiktionary
nimis (nimius, nimium) too much, excessively (often with genitive) Wiktionary
non not Wiktionary
nondum not yet Wiktionary
nonne introduces a question expecting a “yes” answer (lit. “is it not so?”) Wiktionary
num introduces a question expecting a “no” answer Wiktionary
numquam never Wiktionary
nunc now Wiktionary
parum too little, not enough (n.b. can also be used as an indeclinable neuter noun, with the genitive) Wiktionary
pridie the day before (used with acc.) Wiktionary
primum at first, first of all, in the first place Wiktionary
quam as, than, how Wiktionary
quamdiu, adv. how long? Wiktionary
quando when, at what time Wiktionary
quo where to, where, whither Wiktionary
quomodo how, in what way Wiktionary
recte correctly, rightly; used with a verb of speaking to mean “to be right” Wiktionary
rursus again, back Wiktionary
saepe often, frequently, usually Wiktionary
satis, sat enough, sufficiently (n.b can also be used as a neuter noun, with the genitive) Wiktionary
semper always Wiktionary
sic so, thus, in such a manner Wiktionary
tum (tunc) then, at that time Wiktionary
ubi where Wiktionary
ubique everywhere Wiktionary
unde from where?, whence? Wiktionary
ut (adv.) how, in what way, as (we’ll encounter ut again in the future, as a conjunction meaning “in order that”, but it is also used commonly as an adverb) Wiktionary
valde greatly, very Wiktionary
vero in truth, truly, in fact Wiktionary
vespere/vesperi (adv. or abl. s.) in the evening, at evening time Wiktionary


Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
behold!, look!, here is, there is Wiktionary


Latin Audio (classical) Audio (Ecclesiastical) English Wiktionary link
at but atque (ac) and Wiktionary
aut or Wiktionary
aut...aut either...or Wiktionary
autem (postpositive) however, but, on the other hand Wiktionary
cum when, as, while, since Wiktionary
dum while, as long as Wiktionary
enim (postpositive) for, because, indeed, in fact Wiktionary
et and Wiktionary both...and Wiktionary
etiam even, also Wiktionary
itaque (conj.) therefore, and so Wiktionary
neque (nec) and not, nor Wiktionary
neque...neque ( neither...nor Wiktionary
-que and (This conjunction form is an enclitic, tacked on to the end of the second word to be joined, e.g. “pueri puellaeque” boys and girls.) Wiktionary
quod because Wiktionary
sed but Wiktionary
si if Wiktionary
tamen yet, nevertheless Wiktionary
vel or Wiktionary