LangCamp 2012

LangCamp 2012 is a workshop organised by Wikimedia Australia to support the growth and development of wikis in the non-English languages of Indonesia and Australia. The workshop is being held as part of a second Indonesian International Conference on Communications 2012 ( at University of Indonesia, Jakarta on 6–7 December 2012, with a theme of "Communication, Context and Community". IICC aims to provide a multidisciplinary approach towards understanding the role of media in our contemporary regional society. Our workshop focuses on the role of Wikimedia to provide educational resources that support regional communities.

The workshop proposal can be found at wmau:Proposal:2012 Languages conference. A languages conference was approved by Wikimedia Australia members in October 2011, but reduced in scope and number of attendees in April 2012, and finally joined the IICC conference in the second half of 2012.

This workshop was planned autonomously from the meta:Wikimedia Indigenous Languages group which was established in August 2012; however the outcomes will be shared with that group.



The workshop has two streams: indigenous languages and OER.

Indigenous languages


The "indigenous languages" stream will explore the challenges facing the language communities establishing wiki projects in indigenous languages, and explore approaches that have been used to seed these established wiki projects using automated content creation. The Wikimedia Incubator has many Indonesian indigenous language projects that have not been launched, and often the original contributors have lost enthusiasm for their projects and returned to contributing to Indonesian Wikipedia. Even if these languages leave the incubator, they grow very slowly and fail to lure strategic investment. It is common for these Indonesian languages to not have any bilingual dictionaries. The workshop will look at ways that other projects (e.g. /Indonesian Wiktionary, /Indonesian Wikibooks & /Multilingual Wikisource) can be used in conjunction with an incubator Wikipedia project to keep the small language group working together.

Two of the languages that will be the subject of attention are the Minangkabau and Balinese Wikipedia.

  • The /Minangkabau language Wikipedia is nearing the point where it can be moved from the Incubator to a separate wiki. The workshop aims to provide the Minangkabau Wikipedia community with ideas on how to increase the impact of their wiki quickly, and foster collaboration between the volunteers and academics to implement these ideas.
  • The /Balinese language Wikipedia is an incubator project with only 15 articles, and the user interface has not been translated into Balinese. The translation of the user interface into Balinese was approved in November 2012 (see translatewiki:Thread:Support/Balinese). Before and during the workshop the user interface translation will commence, and the participants will be planning for Balinese Wikipedia to launch within a year.

Open educational resources


The "Open educational resources" (OER; Sumber pembelajaran terbuka) stream will be discussing a strategy and program for universities, teachers, educators and volunteers in both Australia and Indonesia to collaborate on developing education resources that use and contribute to Indonesian open-access content-focused projects such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and Wikiversity. This effort will make use of the existing program design in the outreach:Wikipedia Education Program, especially the Arabic and Portuguese language programs, but will explore the opportunities available with students learning Indonesian language as a second language. The participants will be looking at existing Australia–Indonesia collaborations, such as BRIDGE school partnerships, when designing a feasible pilot program that aims to take advantage of the recent Australian and Indonesian government initiatives. The Indonesian Government has recently approved universities developing OER [Article 79 para. (4) Law No. 12 Year 2012 regarding Higher Education] and on 28 October 2012 the Australian Prime Minister released the Australia in the Asian Century white paper (commissioned in September 2011) which aims to give all Australian students "continuous access to a priority Asian language – Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Indonesian and Japanese."[1]. This workshop will focus on Indonesian, with the intention of being adaptable to similar collaboration between countries.



IICC has attendees from Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. There are (at least) six papers from attendees affiliated with universities in Australia, and an opening and closing keynote from Prof. Krishna Sen at University of Western Australia.

Workshop attendees include:

  1. Syahri Sakidin, Consul/Head of Chancery, Consul General of Indonesia in Perth
  2. Ivan Lanin, Creative Commons Indonesia Public Lead, Jakarta
  3. Ari Juliano Gema, Creative Commons Indonesia Legal Lead, Jakarta
  4. Alifia Sudharto, Creative Commons Indonesia Admin, Jakarta
  5. Karen Bailey, Curriculum consultant at the Department of Education Western Australia and founder of Balai Bahasa Indonesia Perth
  6. Lindy Norris, Senior lecturer at Murdoch University, Perth (and supervisor of Penelope Coutas, below).
  7. Linden Davis, Indonesian language teacher, Perth
  8. Penelope Coutas, EdD Candidate at Murdoch University and Indonesian language teacher, Perth
  9. Francis Bond, Associate Professor at the Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  10. Doug Myers, Australian ethnomusicologist - Bali
  11. Chris Woodrich, Canadian English Wikipedia sysop; Indonesian literature postgraduate student, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta; topic: "The Power of Wiki: Preserving and Promoting Balinese Literature Via the Internet"
  12. Walter Stanish, Australian English Wikipedia sysop; volunteer technical advisor to World Oral Literature Project (Cambridge & Yale Universities), international systems programmer, long term China resident and scholarship recipient, and Asian linguistic hobbyist. Formerly of Macquarie University, Sydney and East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
  13. John Vandenberg, President, Wikimedia Australia
  14. Revi Soekatno, founder of Indonesian Wikipedia.
  15. Ramzy Muliawan, Minangkabau Wikipedia test-administrator, Minangkabau language native speaker - Pekanbaru
  16. Awettria Susila, University of Indonesia, Masters student
  17. Arief Ezagren, Wikimedia Incubator contributor
  18. Ichsan Mochtar, Minangkabau Wikipedia contributor
  19. Hammam Riza, Director of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), UI
  20. Ruli Manurung, Faculty of Computer Science, UI
  21. Ari Poespodihardjo, The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta
  22. Chloe Hart, University of New South Wales, Masters Journalism Student
  23. Pras, Javanese Wikipedia contributor
  24. Siska.Doviana
  25. Gombang
  26. UI Asian languages lecturer Dilah Kencono
  27. Beeyan
  28. Ennio morricone
  29. NoiX180
  30. Muhammad Rizali Rizqan
  31. Glenn McGrew II, Erstwhile contributor in various disciplines, long-term resident of Indonesia with fair fluency in Indonesian, 10 years of teaching, workshop and seminar experience in Indonesia, multi-disciplinarian - Baturraden, Central Java

