LMCC/Family Life Cycle
Divides the life history of a family into 8 predictable stages characterized by:
- specific developmental tasks
- crises associated with completion or noncompletion of these tasks
Stage 1: Leaving Home
- establishment of independence
- emotional separation from parents
Stage 2: Commitment to the couple relationship
- establish an intimiate relationship with a significant other
- further emotional separation from parents
Stage 3: Learning to live together
- equitable division of couple roles
- establishment of a more independant relationship with family and friends
Stage 4: Parenting the first child
- Adding a new member of the family
- quitable division of parenting roles
Stage 5: Living with the adolescent
- Increasing the boudnaries/freedom of the adolescent
- reforcus on midlife marital and career issues
Stage 6: Departure of children
- "empty nest"
- accept the exist/entries into the family system
- adjustment to loss of parenting role
Stage 7: Retirement
- adjust to the end of wage earning role
- development with new relationships amongsts family, friends and significant other
Stage 8: Old age
- deal with lessening abilities and greater dependence on others
- deal with loss of friends, family and significant other
editToronto Notes 2005