LHC black hole risk/A critique of "Critical Revision of LHC risks and communication"

(Review Paper) Cited in LHC black hole risk/A critique of "Critical Revision of LHC risks and communication"

Points Made


As of yet, there has been no real evidence that proves The LHC is safe. Scientists have been claiming that the black holes are not dangerous, but their assumptions have not been tested. In addition to this, Hawking radiation has been used to promote the safety of this experiment; however, this has also not been tested [1].



LHC uses superconducting magnets to increase acceleration of particle beams in different directions through a circular tunnel, almost at the speed of light [1].



CERN claims that it may take up to three years before methodological assessment of the initial experiments can be conducted. The time lapse allows for micro black holes to develop, before scientific evidence of their formation can be measured [1].

