
< Korean‎ | Words
Large hall in a Korean house, hanok
Roman: tyeong [1]
Canon: (cheong)
Hanja: [2] [3]
  1. 한옥에서, 몸채의 방과 방 사이에 있는 큰 마루. [4]
    the large hall between rooms in Korean housing.
  1. 이란 "(듣다)과 广(집)을 합친 글자로, 하소연을 듣는 곳, 즉 관청을 나타냄." [5]
    According to a Sino-Korean dictionary, , as a compound of "to hear" and 广 "house", means the office of hearing pleas, that is, the government office.
Thing #Translations
  • Danish: ting [15]
  • Dutch: ding
  • English: Thing [16]
  • Faroese: ting [17]
  • German: Ding, Thing
  • Icelandic: þing [18]
  • Norwegian: ting [19]
  • Old English: þing [20]
  • Old High German: ding
  • Old Norse: þing [21]
  • Swedish: ting [22]
Other languages
  • Italian: ting, thing
  • Estonian: ting
  • Finnish: ting, thing
  • French: Thing
  • Macedonian: тинг (ting)
  • Portuguese: thing
  • Russian: тинг (ting)
  • Spanish: thing

Note: The relation of (, tyeong, "government office") to 텽집 (廳집, tyeongjip, "government office builing") is at least analogous to that of þing#Icelandic ("parliament") to þinghús#Icelandic ("parliament house").

  1. Cf. Mandarin: (ting)
  2. Simplified: (ting) "hall, large room"
    Shinjitai: (chō)
    Definitions: hall; large room.
  3. 한자사전:
    1. 관청(官廳), 관아(官衙)
      government office
    2. 마루, 대청(大廳: 방과 방 사이에 있는 큰 마루)
      large hall
  4. 한글사전: 청9 廳
  5. 금성판 활용옥편 p.289.
  6. 남광우 편저, 교학고어사전, 1997. p.1350.
    [명] 청(廳), 대청(大廳)
    텽집 [명] 청(廳), 대청(大廳)
  7. The old Sino-Korean (, tyeong) alone is too ambiguous to do without such a compound as 텽집 (廳집, tyeongjip) prototypical of the modern 청사 (廳舍, cheongsa).
  8. (Taiwan, historical) government office; government building (under Japanese rule)
  9. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=청당
    ‘관청’의 북한어.
    1. hall (for holding meetings, concerts, receiving guests, etc.)
    2. department in a large government organization (such as a ministry); office
    3. government department at a provincial level
  10. 들을 청(聽)
    들을 문(聞)
  11. w:National Assembly hearing
  12. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hearing
    1. (uncountable) A proceeding at which discussions are heard.
      There will be a public hearing to discuss the new traffic light.
  13. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=청문회
    어떤 문제에 대하여 내용을 듣고 그에 대하여 물어보는 모임. 주로 국가 기관에서 입법 및 행정상의 결정을 내리기에 앞서 이해관계인이나 제삼자의 의견을 듣기 위하여 연다.
  14. cf. tinghus
  15. cf. Thingstead
  16. cf. tinghus
  17. cf. þinghús
  18. cf. tinghus
  19. cf. þingstede
  20. cf. þinghús
  21. cf. tingshus