Volcanoes, list/Komagatake

Komagatake, Japan 1640

  • Mt. Komagatake erupted in 1640 causing one of the largest disasters.
  • This eruption caused a debris avalanche, creating a horseshoe-shaped crater.
  • The avalanche of debris entered the sea and caused a destructive and devastating tsunami, causing more than 700 people to drown.
  • The tsunami was followed by a Plinain eruption.
  • Plinian eruption is a volcanic eruption that includes a stream of gas and also ash that is violently ejected to a height of several miles.
  • This eruption caused a tsunami that left behind deposits 8.5m above sea level, which was 40 km away from the mountain.
  • Mt. Komagatake’s summit collapse due to a sector breakdown.
  • Komagatake erupted out pyroclastic material such as pumice, a porus or spongy form of volcanic glass providing proof that is also a explosive volcano.
  • It is a composite volcano because it has broad bases and sides that get steeper towards the summit.
  • The formation of Mt. Komagatake took place in the late Pleistocene but has changed over various eruptions.
  • Pleistocene is the earlier period of the Quaternary (occurring in sets of four or consisting of four parts) or the corresponding series of rocks.

