JavaScript/Letter spacing effect

This script creates a letter spacing effect in the browser. It can be recorded using a screen recorder and put into a video editor. It works by repeatedly updating the letter spacing CSS property of the text inside the letter spacing containers.

The effect starts after a two-second delay, specified using setTimeout, so the user can see the initial appearance. Additional functions for stopping, starting, and resetting the letter spacing are provided.

The max_letter_spacing variable specifies at which value the letter spacing should stop increasing. At the beginning, the user is asked to set a limit. It is set to thirty pixels by default.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Letter spacing effect</title>
<meta name=author content="Elominius from Wikiversity">
<meta name=license content="CC-by-SA 4.0">
<style type="text/css">
/* dark theme */
body { background-color: #333; color: white; }

/* styling the letter spacing containers */
.letter_spacing_container {
	font-family: futura, 'noto sans', ubuntu;
	text-transform: uppercase;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 20pt;


<!-- Wrappers to center the text -->
<div style="display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; width:100vw; height:100vh;">
	<div style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">

<div class="letter_spacing_container">
example text

<div class="letter_spacing_container">
example text 2


<script type="text/javascript">
// variable for letter spacing containers
var letter_spacing_containers = document.getElementsByClassName("letter_spacing_container");
var letter_spacing = 0; // initial letter spacing
// This option shows the pixel distance in the page title. Deactivate it if it causes performance issues.
var letter_spacing_document_title_enabled = true;
// stops the letter spacing effect when it reaches this spacing:
var max_letter_spacing = 30; // set to "false" to never stop

// set manual letter spacing
var manual_letter_spacing_limit = prompt("At which letter spacing should the effect stop? (default: "+max_letter_spacing+")");
if (manual_letter_spacing_limit) max_letter_spacing = manual_letter_spacing_limit;

function increase_letter_spacing() {
	for (	var count=0; // initiate counter to 0
			// run as many times as letter spacing containers exist
			count < letter_spacing_containers.length;
			// count up by one
		) {
		// set letter spacing in each letter spacing container
	letter_spacing+=0.1; // increase memorized letter spacing by 0.1 pixels
	letter_spacing_document_title(); // set document title
	if (letter_spacing > max_letter_spacing) { stop_letter_spacing(); }
function reset_letter_spacing() {
	for (	var count=0; // initiate counter to 0
			// run as many times as letter spacing containers exist
			count < letter_spacing_containers.length;
			// count up by one
		) {
		// set letter spacing in each letter spacing container
	clearInterval(letter_spacing_interval); // stop increasing letter spacing
	letter_spacing = 0; // reset letter spacing to zero
	letter_spacing_document_title(); // set document title

var initial_document_title = document.title; // memorize original document title
var last_title_letter_spacing = 0; // initializing variable to scope it outside of the function below
function letter_spacing_document_title() {
	// update document title every 0.1 pixels
	var letter_spacing_decimal = Math.floor(letter_spacing*10)/10;
	if (letter_spacing_decimal != last_title_letter_spacing && letter_spacing_document_title_enabled) {
		document.title= initial_document_title + " (" + letter_spacing_decimal + " pixels)";
		last_title_letter_spacing = letter_spacing_decimal;

// declare variable outside of loop to make it accessible to clearInterval
var letter_spacing_interval; 

function start_letter_spacing() {
	// Increasing letter spacing 15 times per second. 
	// Not 30 or 60 because some screen recorders might have a low frame rate.
	letter_spacing_interval = setInterval(increase_letter_spacing,1000/15);

function stop_letter_spacing() {
	// clears the letter spacing

// start letter spacing effect two seconds after opening page
