Introduction to psychology/Psy102/Assessment/Essay/General feedback/Habits

General feedback for the behaviour modification of habits topic essays


Good answers

  1. Good essays discussed the main behavioural modification theories such as Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Modelling.
  2. Good essays then addressed several techniques used within these major theories such as extinction theory and counter conditioning.
  3. Good essays then used specific examples in how to break a habit in detail.
  4. Good essays also backed up the theory with specific research.

Common problems

  1. Forgot to talk about the main behavioural modification theories.
  2. Did not answer all parts of the question and focused on either bad habits or just theory.
  3. Didn’t use practical examples backed by research.
  4. Deviated from essay question too much. Discussing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and medication.