Introduction to US History/Quiz Review 1

Quiz 1 covers Exploration, Life in the Colonies thru the Great Awakening, and the French & Indian War. It does not include the American Revolution.

1. Exploration & Discovery

  • A. The Portuguese had been successful in trans-Atlantic explorations long before the Spanish & English explorers “discovered” America. Discuss how the Portuguese used Africa to enrich their nation
    • A. Slaves; used slaves for sugar plantation; African ivory and gold
  • B. Which technology made it possible (describe/list, new technologies)
    • B. Advanced maps, advanced ships (squared sails, improving aerodynamics; could transport weapons), good compasses, advanced astronomy
  • C. Give an example of North American Indians’ ability to utilize land efficiently
    • C. Three-Sisters planting method
  • D. What was Christopher Columbus looking for when he sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean? Do you consider him a success or a failure? Why?
    • D. A pathway to Asia; yes, he's a success because he elevated Spain's reputation and found new land
  • E. How did Spanish colonization of the New World differ from that of the British and/or French?
    • E. Spanish never intended on making peace with the natives, as opposed to the British (Algonquin) and French (Iroquois)
  • F. Define the “Columbian Exchange.” List some of the products (not all) that were transported back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean.
    • F. Columbian Exchange: Exchange of ideas, items, and crops between the New World and the Old World; slaves, cattle, and diseases went from Old to New, while crops (squash, beans, corn) and animals (turkeys) went from New to Old.

2. Why America became a new world:

  • A. Why were so many Europeans willing to risk everything & relocate to an unknown world, with uncertain results?
    • A. There are many reasons why Englishmen went to America: wealth, fame, religious freedom, no social classes and promised improvement in government/economy.
  • B. Law of Primogeniture
    • B. Right of the firstborn male child to inherit the land after the "head of the family" passed away. A way to acquire land.
  • C. What was the first English attempt to colonize America? (hint: it failed)
    • C. Roanoke Colony


  • A. It was established how? (Joint-stock Company) What does that mean?
    • A. Through a Joint-stock company, where investors bankroll the colony (low risk, limited liability, used to finance something expensive).
  • B. List, explain, and describe 4 specific events that took place in Jamestown in 1619.
    • B. 1. House of Burgesses, the first form of local government in the New World. 2. Tobacco officially became a trade crop 3. Indentured servants/slaves became a norm 4. Women arrived and were sold for 125lb for tobacco

3. Slaves and Indentured Servants

  • A. How were they different, how were they the same?
    • A. Both were servants and tend to fields as labor, but indentured were temporary while slaves were permanent
  • B. Why did the system of indentured servitude fail?
    • B. Because they needed permanent labor for the ongoing demand of tobacco/crop fields
  • C. Why were slaves brought to the English colonies and why was it accepted more frequently in southern colonies?
    • C. Slaves were brought to the English colonies because of the demand for labor; accepted in the South because the South was agricultural based and needed slaves to tend to them

4. Colonies are established

  • A. How did Northern colonies differ from their Southern counterparts?
    • A. North was moderate, led to longer life-span, factories/manufacturing; The South was humid, shorter life-span, and agricultural based
  • B. What did William Penn’s Pennsylvania colony have in common with Lord Baltimore’s colony of Maryland? [there are multiple things they have in common]
    • B. Steps to religious toleration, place for religious refugees and made a profit in America
  • C. 2 colonies “purchased” land from Native Americans despite there being no legal need to do so, (in the eyes of the British). Name 1 of the 2 colonies.
    • C. Pennsylvania