Introduction to Information Theory


  • Information Measures
  • Source coding
  • Channel capacity
  • Channel coding
  • Differential entropy
  • Rate-Distortion Theory




  1. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
  2. Raymond W. Yeung, Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, August 2008

Offsite Courses


With video lectures

  1. Information Theory, Raymond W. Yeung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.
  2. Information Theory and Coding, Prof. S.N. Merchant, IIT Bombay, 2011.

Without video lectures

  1. Information Theory, Srikrishna Bhashyam, IIT Madras, Jan-Apr 2013.
  2. Information Theory, Andrew Thangaraj, IIT Madras, Jan-Apr 2005.
  3. Information Theory, Navin Kashyap, IISc Bangalore, August-December 2013.
  4. Information Theory and Source Coding, Dr. M. R. Soleymani, Concordia University, Summer 2013.
  5. Information theory in computer science, Mark Braverman, Princeton University, Fall 2011.
  6. Information and Entropy, Prof. Paul Penfield and Prof. Seth Lloyd, MIT, Spring 2008
  7. Information Theory, Todd Moon, Spring 2006.
  8. Information Theory, Patric Östergård, Aalto University, Autumn 2013. (Earlier version: [1]).
  9. Information Theory and its applications in theory of computation, Venkatesan Guruswami, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2013.
  10. Information Theory, Thomas Cover, Stanford University, Winter 10-11.
  11. Information Theory, Henry D. Pfister, Texas A&M University, 2011.
  12. Information Theory, Mai Vu, Tufts University, Fall 2007.
  13. Random Codes in Communication, Haim Permuter, Ben-Gurion University, Spring 2011.
  14. Probability in Computer Science, Dr. Jan Bouda, Masaryk University, Summer 2012.
  15. Courses on Information Theory and Coding, Aslan Tchamkerten, Telecom ParisTech.
  16. Information Theory, J. Rockey Luo, Colorado State University, Fall 2014.
  17. Information Theory, Himanshu Tyagi, IISc Bangalore, August-December 2016.