Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Course Overview


The main topic of the course is to introduce students to Group Theory, including the Sylow theorem. We'll also cover the structure of abelian groups and various permutation groups. If we have time, I'll also give a brief introduction to rings and fields including polynomial rings, factorization, the classical geometric constructions, and Galois theory.

Course requirements


The following knowledge is required or desirable on commencement of study of this course:

Course outline


We're going to follow a number of different sources for ths course. Primarily, we will follow Wikibooks' Abstract Algebra textbook. A good textbook to pick up is Topics in Algebra by I.N. Herstein. Another is Abstract Algebra by W.E. Deskins.

  • Set Theory, Mappings and some Number Theory
  • Introduction to Groups
  • Subgroups
  • Cosets
  • The Lagrange Theorem
  • Normal Subgroups
  • Homomorphisms
  • Automorphisms
  • Cayley's Theorem
  • Permutation Groups and Class Equations
  • Sylow's Theorem
  • Direct Products
  • Intro to Rings, Fields and Galois Theory

I will not assign grades unless you ask me to. If you would like to have your work graded, your grade will be the best of weighted averages of the three exams.

Lecture series


Lecture 1 - Introduction/Set Theory
Lecture 2 - Relations and Mappings
Lecture 3 - Groups



Problem sets will be posted here after every lecture. These problem sets are designed to prepare the student for the exams. These will not be graded.

Problem Set #1
Problem Set #2
Problem Set #3



The plan is to have two 'midterm' exams and a comprehensive 'final' exam. Exam questions will be based on questions from the problem sets and the lectures. I'm debating on how to implement the exams, more information will be available soon. More than likely a link to the exam will be posted here, and you will post the answers on your user page or other page.


not available yet

Sign Up List


If you are interested in taking this course, please indicate so here.

Off-site lectures


With video


Without video


