International Building Code

The page is designed to be a flash card type study guide for the International Building Code 2006. Click on the questions to reveal the answer. All questions are created directly from the text.

Chapter 17: Structural Tests and Specical Inspections




Based on Model Program For Special Inspection
Provided by International Accreditation Service

What is special inspection?
Which documents contain the special inspector's responsibilities and scope of work for a project?

Duties of special inspectors


In general, what are the duties of the special inspector?

  1. What must a special inspector do before arriving at a jobsite?
  2. When arriving at a jobsite, what must the contractor personnel be notified of?
  3. Which document defines the work for which the special inspector is responsible?
  4. Who must be informed of all nonconforming items and when?

If any such item is not resolved, what should be done?
What information should the list of discrepancies contain about each nonconforming item?
Where should the discrepancies list be posted?

  1. How often should the special inspector write and organize complete inspection reports?

Who should receive the inspection reports and how often?
What should be contained in the inspection reports?

  1. What should be included in the final report?

Duties of the project owner


Who is responsible for funding special inspections?
Who is prohibited from employing the special inspector?

Duties of the design professional


In general, what are the duties of the design professional?
Who approves periodic inspection and the frequence of such inspection?
In general, which code must a special inspector be certified under in order to be qualified as an inspector?
Which organization can accredite a special inspection agency as qualified?
Which factors affect the choice of special inspector or agency?
What is the preferred method for fulfilling the requirement for the preparation of a special inspection program?
Who must be informed of any verbally approved deviations from the approved plans?

Duties of the Contractor


In general, what are the duties of the contractor?
Who is responsible for notifying the special inspector regarding individual inspections required by the building department?
How much notice must be given?
Where should the contractor keep all special inspection records?

Duties of the Building Official


Who is the only team member with the legal authority to enforce the special inspection provisions of the IBC?
In general, what are the duties of the building official?
What must occur before the building official can perform a final inspeciton?

Section 1704: Special Inspections


1704.1 General


Who is responsible for the employment of the special inspectors?
When are special inspections not required?

1704.1.1 Statement of special inspections

Who is responsible for submitting a statement of special inspections as a condition for permit issuance?
With which section shall this statement be in accordance?
When is a statement of special inspections not required?

1704.1.2 Report requirement

Who shall keep records of inspections?
Who must receive the inspection reports?
What should be in the reports?
Who must be informed of discrepancies and when shall this occur?
Who should be informed if the discrepancies are not corrected and when shall this occur?
What should be contained in the final report?

1704.2 Inspection of fabricators


When shall special inspection of fabricated items be required?

1704.2.1 Fabrication and implementation procedures

When inspecting at a fabrication shop, what are the responsibilities of the special inspector?
When are special inspections not required at a fabrication shop?

1704.2.2 Fabricator approval

Who must review and audit approved fabricators?
At the completion of fabrication, to whom must the approved fabricator submit a certificate of compliance

1704.3 Steel construction


When is special inspection of the steel fabrication process not required?
When are periodic inspections appropriate?

1704.3.1 Welding

Which code must welds be in compliance with?
Which code creates the basis for welding inspector qualification?

1704.3.2 Details

The special inspector shall perform an inspection of the steel frame in order to verify compliance of what details shown on the approved construction documents?

1704.3.3 High-strength bolts

Should high-strength bolts be inspected periodicly or continuously?
Which specifications define the inspection criteria for high-strength bolts?

1704.3.3.1 General

For bolts requiring pretenshioning, when shall the special inspector observe the preinstallation testing and calibration procedures?
Specificlly, what must a special inspector observe during the installation of bolts.?
When does the special inspector not need to monitor the installation of bolts? What must still be verified?

1704.3.3.2 Periodic monitoring

Which methods of bolt installation require only periodic monitoring of bolt installation for pretensioning?

1704.3.3.3 Continuous monitoring

Which methods of bolt installation require continuous monitoring of bolt installation for pretensioning?
