Instructional design/User testing fundamentals/Fundamentals

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To best understand the different terms used in user testing, we need to look at the whole process of formative evaluation in the development stage and identify some frequently-used, key terms to help you understand the process of user testing.



The following presents a typical scenario as a basic process of formative evaluation culminating in user testing, also know as BETA testing or usability testing. This user testing component is done before implementation for instructional use.

  • Preliminary Design & Subject Matter Expert Feedback
    • After a preliminary design is created, it is sent to key subject matter experts (SME)w:Subject_matter_expert for review and feedback.
  • Storyboard Revision
  • Prototype Development
    • Next, a prototype w:Prototype is developed, providing another opportunities for feedback and correction.
  • Alpha Version
    • After the changes are made, the prototype is now considered an Alpha version w:Alpha_version#Alpha where the instruction is fully developed and ready for testing by the SMEs and client.
  • Beta Version
    • Changes to the Alpha version gives rise to a BETA version which also known as user testing or usability test. Here users with no history in previous testing of the course and have similar characteristics of the target learner, complete the instruction and provide feedback.
  • Implementation
    • After more revision, the instructional product is implemented. For implementation strategies and steps, we provide a list of "Next Steps" at the end of this course.

Phonebein 17:49, 6 April 2008 (UTC) Think micro instructional strategy here. You have lots of text. Think hard about how you could make this text more visual -- that is, accommodate other learning styles.

As the design of the course progresses, the concentration of the testing moves from content specifics to implementation and achievement of instructional strategies and verifying the objectives have been met.

Back to Topic: Instructional Design > User Testing of E-Learning Courses > User Testing Fundamentals