Instructional design/Rapid Prototyping/Introduction

Traditional ISD

Most traditional design models follow the basic ADDIE model in a linear fashion, as the diagram below indicates. Each step is usually well-defined and separated from one another.


What is Rapid Prototyping?

Rapid Prototyping is the "process of quickly building and evaluating a series of prototypes"[1] early and often throughout the design process. Prototypes are usually incomplete examples of what a final product may look like. Each time a prototype is used, a formative evaluation gathers information for the next, revised prototype. This cycle continues to refine the product until the final needs and objectives are met. The following diagram demonstrates the non-linear nature of Rapid Prototyping.


Example of Rapid Prototyping

Below is an example of Rapid Prototyping in product development. As you watch, ask yourself how you can apply some of the rudimentary strategies used in the video in the design of your instruction:

Proceed to the next page.

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  1. Jones, M., Li, Z., & Merrill, M. (1992). Rapid prototyping in automated instructional design. Educational Technology, 30(8), 42-47