Instructional design/Learner analysis/what when why/demographics/cognitive/physiological/affective/analyzing/summary

Lesson Summary (2 Minutes)


Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on learner analysis. At this point, you have had the opportunity to identify at least two design implications associated with each set of learner character groups and align which learner profile best matches the design choices provided. Here is a summary of what was covered.

Learner analysis is the first step in the ADDIE process. It is the process of identifying who your audience is; their demographics, prior knowledge, physiological and affective/social needs. Each of these areas shape design decisions and influence the instructional methods and strategies that are best for each project. Learner analysis should be done prior to designing instruction so you can design an effective learning environment.

There are many possible data sources for each category. These sources might differ based on whether or not you have access to the instructor or are yourself teaching the lesson you are designing. There are many considerations to keep in mind for the four different categories of learner needs.

Demographic considerations and implications include:
  • Group size - appropriate course activities and communication structure
  • Age - reading level and appropriate objectives
  • Gender - interactions with peers and instructor
  • Culture - interactions with peers and instructor and presentation of content
  • Occupation - access to resources
  • Socio-economic - cost of materials and resources
  • Geographic - engagement, accesses to resources, and course activities
Cognitive and Prior Knowledge considerations include:
  • Education level - course content and student grouping for activities
  • Prerequisite skills and Experience - supplemental resources and materials
  • Learning style - methods of engagement and modes of presentation
  • Technology skills - student supports and resources
  • Learning disabilities - accessible content and access to appropriate student services
Physiological considerations include:
  • Emotional - scaffolding and presentation of content
  • General health - access to student services and flexibility of design
  • Environmental sensitivities - flexibility of design
  • Special needs - access to student services and flexibility of design
  • Activity level - flexibility of design
Affective/Social considerations include:
  • Attitude towards course - presentation of material
  • Motivation level - structure of activities and level of engagement
  • Attitude toward self - student supports, scaffolding, and engagement
  • Relationships - modes of presentation and level of engagement
  • Interests - degree of learner-centered nature of lesson and types of activities used

Now that you understand these concepts and have put them into practice, you are better prepared to develop stronger designs based on this new knowledge.

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