Instructional design/DS Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive "Transformation"

Level Kind Explanation
1 Knowledge Character knows, remembers, or describes something.
2 Comprehension Character explains, interprets, predicts something.
3 Application Character discovers, constructs, or changes something; applies understanding to a new situation.
4 Analysis Character deconstructs a situation, distinguishes between options, plans or organizes something, compares and contrasts different things.
5 Synthesis Character pieces together parts to form a new understanding of a situation.
6 Evaluation Character assesses a situation, critiques and/or defends an idea, person; evaluates a situation in order to respond to it.

Source: Bloom, 1964.

Bloom's Taxonomy of Affective "Transformation"

Level Kind Explanation
1 Receiving phenomena Character listens to others respectfully.
2 Responding to phenomena Character participates in solutions, works with a team, helps others.
3 Valuing Character demonstrates belief in a value system that manifests itself in solving problems for others and in valuing cultural and individual differences..
4 Organization Character prioritizes values, resolves conflicts, develops personalized value system; balances freedom and responsibility and accepts standards of moral behavior.
5 Internalizing values Character acts on value systems as an individual, rather than in response to group expectations; uses teamwork effectively, values others for their intrinsic merit rather than external qualities.

Source: Bloom, Krathwohl, & Masia. 1964.

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