Instructional design/CARP/Reasons to Use Each Principle

Part 4 - Reasons to Use Each Principle


Why should you use CARP?

To improve your content, making it more effective, engaging, and visually appealing so that you no longer have bored or confused audiences. If you do, your audience will be much more likely to pay attention to what you are presenting and to understand it as well!

The design principles help to organize your information. More specifically, you will use each principle for the reasons below:


  • Emphasizes the difference between items.
  • Creates a point of focus.


  • Positions each item on a page intentionally.
  • Connects items on a page visually.


  • Indicates that items throughout a piece are similar.
  • Enhances visual appeal.


  • Provides an immediate visual clue that items on a page are related.
  • Separates where the eye stops on a page.

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