Innovation and Entrepreneurship/Open Web Sources

Open Web Resources For Teaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship


TALCIE stands for Teaching and Learning for Creativity, ‎Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The TALCIE community of practice is a group of people - ‎students, alumni, teachers and practitioners - that elicits the participation of its members and ‎community to make it easier for us to enable the best possible learning experience for people ‎who want to become more creative, innovative and entrepreneurial. TALCIE offers free ‎educational resources under Creative Commons license on various creative and innovative ‎entrepreneurial activities and competitions.‎ Venture Design Studio under the The Entrepreneurial Experience Course by Dr.Alex Bruton provides the ‎method to conduct a Venture pitching and assessing session.‎ The Mount Royal Innovation Tournament contains interesting videos of students’ ‎competition entries on creating and measuring as much value as possible from ordinary objects ‎like a business card, string, paper bag, plastic bottle etc.,‎

2. The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP)

The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) is the ‎entrepreneurship education and research center located within the School of Engineering at ‎Stanford University.The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship ‎Corner is a free online archive of entrepreneurship resources for teaching and learning. STVP ‎offers a wide range of teaching resources in ‎the form of links to books, journals, videos etc., ‎

STVP's Entrepreneurship Corner is an internationally recognized resource for ‎educators who teach students about technology and high-growth entrepreneurship. It is an ‎online archive of content from the Stanford Technology Ventures Program and leading ‎entrepreneurship faculty at universities world-wide. This constantly-expanding resource ‎includes an extensive searcheable database of video clips and podcasts of entrepreneurial ‎thought leaders; reading lists; case studies on entrepreneurship; and links to conferences, ‎foundations, and groups that support entrepreneurship education.‎

3. MIT Sloan Teaching Innovation Resources

MIT Sloan Teaching Innovation Resources (MSTIR) is a collection of teaching ‎materials, including case studies, simulations, deep dives, and industry, business and ‎country overviews that MIT Sloan provides as a free teaching resource open and ‎available to the world. The various materials posted on this site have been developed by ‎MIT Sloan faculty and students. The areas currently include the global financial ‎crisis, sustainability, industry evolution, and global entrepreneurship.‎

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of ‎virtually all Massachusetts Institute of Technology course content. OCW is open and ‎available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. It is a free publication of MIT course ‎materials that reflects almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT. ‎Excellent teaching resources are available on Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Developmental Entrepreneurship. A search function ‎with key words is an efficient way to find the resources in this website.‎