Informal learning activities/STwAc
Things and Bitsː A⇒C__ Other initialsː («»Ac⇓⇓) Df Gi Jl Mo Pr Su Vz
• abohm (ohm) abri (shelter)
• acetone (thinner) acol (bridge) actin (protein) acton (jacket) aculeus (prickle) acyl (chemical)
• adit (tunnel) adobe (mudbrick)
• aerophane (fabric)
• agger (rampart) aiglet (ending) agma (ŋ)
• aioli (sauce) airt (direction) ait (island)
• albert (chain) albite (mineral) alegar (vinegar) algin (acid) alembic (still) allyl (C3H5+) almery (cabinet) almuce (cape) aloin (C21H22O9)
• ambo (lectern) ambry (cabinet) ament (catkin+) amice (vestment) amine (ammonia+)
• anil (dye) animé (resin) anker (gallons+) ankh (cross) anna (coin) annatto (condiment) ansate (handled) anta (pilaster) anthemion (palmette)
• aplite (rock) aprotic (solvent) apse (altary) apsis (orbit)
apteral (c̶o̶l̶u̶m̶n̶s̶)
• arbale/last (crossbow) archil (dye)
argil (clay) argo/ul (woodwind) armet (helmet) armure (fabric) arras (curtain) aryl (chemical) arris (edge)
• ashet (dish) ashlar (stone) aspic (stock) assai (much+) astragal (moulding)
• atelier (studio) atrip (nautical↑) atrium (]building[)
• aulos (flute) aumbry (cabinet) auric (gold)
• avens (plant) aventail (mail)
• azine (–N–N–) azole (N5? ring) azote (N)
Things and Bitsː B__
• baigel (bread) bagnio (bath) baht (cash) bailey (courtyard) baize (cloth) balas (ruby) baleen (filter) balti (cookery) balun (transformer) baluster (shaft) balut (egg) banco (mudbrick) bandanna (kerchief) banket (ore) barad/ye (pascal) barbette (gun) barbican (4defence) barm (scum) barque (ship) barre (rail) barret (cap) barton (demesne) baryton (viol) basque (bodice) bast (fibre) bastion (bulwark) bate (tanning⊂) bateau (boat) batik (cloth) batt (fill) baud (rate) bayou (swamp)
• beamer (no ball!) bede (pickaxe) beige (tan) bema (dais) berlin (ofwool+) berm (_space) besan (flour) besom (broom) bevel (edge)
• bidet (washer) billon (alloy) biltong (≈jerky) bima (dais) bing (heap) biot (abampere) birl (spin) bise (wind) bisque (pottery) bistoury (~scalpel) bister/re (soot) bitts (posts+)
• bling (gaud) blini/y (pancake)
• boart (♦) bobka (cake) bocal (tube) bodice (fweskit) bohea (tea) bolas (missile) bolo (knife) bolection (moulding) bombe (decrypter) boneen (piglet) bora (wind) boreal (north) boreen (road)
• bosket (copse) bosky (bushy) boson (glue) boule (bread) boules (game) boulle (furniture) bou/wse (hoist+) bovate (area) bowie (knife) bowser (pump)
• brack (bread) brail (rigging) branks (bridle) brassie (club) brayer (inker) braze (join) breve (˘) brevet (badge) brick (pastry⊂) broch (tower) brogan (shoe) bromal (CBr3CHO) brose (porridge) brut (wine)
• budge (fur) buhl (marquetry) bulla (token) bunt (sail) buran (wind) bure (hut) burette (dispenser) burgee (flag) burin (graver) burqa (garment) burl (wood) bursary (award) butt (4shooting) butte (hill)
• byre ([cows])
Things and Bitsː C__
• caber (pole) caboose (van) cabriole (leg) caftan (cloak) caid (football) caisson (cart) calash (→barouche) calaloo/u (food) caliche (mineral) calkin (horseshoe⊂) callaïs (stone)
calpack (cap) caltra/op (weapon) calumet (4ceremony) camail (mail) camboose (kitchen) cameo (carving) cami (–sole) camion (truck) camblet (fabric) cannel (coal) canopy (hood+) cantal (cheese) capo (clamp) caporal (tobacco) capote (coat) carafe (decanter) carbine (rifle) carboy (jar) cardan (joint) caret (^) carnet (document) careen (beach) carina (keel) cariole (carriage) carom (billiards⊂) caron ( ˇ ) carr (fen) carrack (ship) carrel (desk) casque (helmet) cassia (⇒spice) cathead (beam) catnip (mint) caubeen (beret) caudle (drink) caul (headgear) caulis (stalk) caulkin (horseshoe⊂)
• cella (chamber) cellaret ([wine]) cense (perfume) censer (pot) centner (mass) cerate (dressing) cere (wax) ceria (CeO2) ceric/ium/ous (Ce) cermet (composite) cetane (C16H34) cetin (wax) ceviche (food) cezve ([coffee])
• champlevé (enamel) chape (∊scabbard) charpai/oy (bed) chassepot (rifle) cheroot (cigar) chert (rock) cheval (mirror) chijimi (fabric) chicle (gum) chine (valley) chino (cloth) chintz (cloth) chiral (asymmetric) choli (blouse) chott (≈lake) chroma (music) chronon (time quantum) chyle (juice) chyme/us (food)
• cilice (shirt) cill (lock) cirque (valley) cist (coffin) cistvaen (tomb) civet (musk)
• clarence (carriage) claro (clarion) cleat (post) clevis (shackle) clew (sail⊂) clinch (fasten) cline (layer) clint (rock) cluse (gorge) clyster (cleanser↓)
• coffer (panels) coif (cap) coign (corner) collet (chuck) collop (⊂meat) colure (meridian) coombe (cwm) comber (wave) conoid (surface) coomb (unit) copal (resin) copha (fat) copita (wine glass) copperas (FeSO4) coquina (rock) corbel (support) corf/ve ([fish]) cornu (horn) corral (pen) corrie (pool) corundum (mineral) cotta (surplice) coulee (landform) coulter (plough⊂) coutille (corset⊂) coypu (dinghy)
• crape (textile) cravat (ascot) creel (basket) crenel (embrasure⊂) cresol (methylphenol) cresset (light) cringle (sail hole) crocket (hook) croft (farm) cromorne (woodwind) crosse (stick) croute/on (toast) crou/wth (~lyre) crowdie (brose) crud (junk) cruet (bottle) cruft (junk) cruller (pastry) crumhorn (woodwind) crupper (saddle⊂) cruse (pot) crypt (vault)
• cubby (room) cubit (length) cucurbit (εflask+) cuddy (cabin) cuirass ([armour) culet (gem⊂) cullet (g/l/a/s/s) cumdach (box)
cupel (cup) curare (poison) curd (coagulate) curette (scraper) curie (radioactivity) curtal (bassoon) curule (chair) cusec (flow) cutch (additive)
• cyan (aqua) cynara (fabric)